How to Save Your Money When You Go Shopping

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3 min readJul 30, 2019

The most effective money-saving experience comes from the simplest things, from the way you spend when shopping every day. To keep the budget from a heavy deficit, check out some tips below with AMC Group for next shopping time!

1. Make a Detailed Shopping List Before You Leave the House

Leaving our house, there are parcels, shops that sell a lot of diverse and eye-catching products. To avoid straying into countless attractive items that make money in your pocket go away, make a shopping list with specific expenses.

List all the things you think are necessary and then arrange them in order of importance and need. For each item, you should also plan a fixed expenditure and balance it with your budget to avoid out of the wallet.

2. Take Advantage of Old Stuff

After you have a list of things you need, check what is available in the house to see if you can take advantage of it! And anything that can buy second-hand goods or recycle old items such as cardboard boxes, glass glasses … into flower vases or new storage boxes … is also a way to make creative and unique savings.

3. Hunting Promotional Goods or Discount Program

Buying in large quantities and hunting for promotion and discounted goods is a consumer tendency. You can make use of these programs to save a little money. However, do not think it is cheap and buy too much, do also pay much attention to the quality of products, then buy items that are really necessary only. That makes you not only do not save but also do not save small amounts of money.

4. Balance Emotions and Needs When Shopping

Make a list of things you already have and what you need to buy before going shopping to avoid over spending. There are many people when sad moods often go shopping to buy things that they like to fulfil their moods, but not necessary for everyday life. Therefore, you should control your psychology to not follow the crowd’s tastes or control your emotions when shopping.

5. Compare Price between Same Quality Items

Some stores listed lower prices than other stores. So try walking around the stores if you want to save your daily expenses. Avoid small convenience stores in the street because the prices of the items there may be more expensive.

If you are going to buy a great value item, compare its prices in different places like shops, stores on the street, stores on online sales sites … to consider the price.

And for the same category but bearing different brands, review the price, ingredients, weight and features listed on the package before choosing the items. Remember that well-known brands pay more for an eye-catching display, but other goods in the same category on the shelf, or placed in the hidden corners maybe also fit with your wallet.

6. Register Membership Card

The membership card registration in supermarkets or many stores will help customers enjoy preferential policies, discount and participate in the program of exchanging gift points … Although not high value, but will gradually save a significant amount for your next purchasing time.

Hopefully with the experience of saving money when shopping above, you will have a truly economical, cheap trip that is still filled with beautiful shopping memories. We wish you a happy shopping time with these experiences.

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