Laos- The Only Country Does not Have Beach in South Asia

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3 min readSep 21, 2019

Laos — a beautiful and peaceful country, fascinates visitors with solemn temples, beautiful waterfalls, unique Buddha statues and friendly, hospitable smiles from people. Have you ever raised any questions about this peaceable landscape, if yes please take a look at our short article in the following to find out several amazing secrets in this tiny country.

The only one country has no coastline in Southeast Asia

Laos is the only landlocked country in Southeast Asia, bordering countries: Vietnam, Cambodia, China, Myanmar and Thailand. However, this place has many rivers, lakes, waterfalls as compensation for the lack of coastline

The land of millions of elephants

Laos is known as “the land of millions elephants”. This phrase was translated from Lan Xang (or Lan Xan) — the name this country in the 14th century. However, nowadays, the number of elephants in Laos has decreased significantly remaining only about 1,000.

New Year is celebrated later compared to the world

New Year in Laos takes place from 14 to 16/4 each year. 13th is the last day of the previous year. People often held activities such as water festivals, monks greetings, colorful banners displayed everywhere and thousand of other important rituals. During this time, people often do merit.

Laos Cuisine

Laotians eat the most sticky rice in the world, and normally they eat food by hands. The cuisine here is often dry and spicy, with lots of fresh vegetables and herbs. People also often eat steamed or grilled meat and fish.

A country has rich mineral resources

Laos is a treasure and this means literally. The mountains here contain a lot of minerals, exploited since the 11th century. Gold, sapphire, amethyst, slate, marble, salt rock, granite … are several treasures that have been discovered.

Unique stone jars

When traveling to Laos, visitors can see huge ancient stone jars, scattered near Phonsavan city (called Jars). There are more than 2,500 such jars and researchers have not given any answer on their birth yet.

A must-visit-place in Laos

Luang Prabang is a must-visit place when traveling to Laos. This ancient city recognized by UNESCO used to be the capital until 1975. It has ancient preserved temples and palaces, very antique and beautiful. If you come here, you should definitely wander the markets, visit the National Museum and take a long time to enjoy the atmosphere of this beautiful town.

Mainly used language

The main language is Lao and they are closely related to Thai. Therefore, both countries can mostly understand the other. In the past, this country was also a colony of France, so this language is still commonly used.

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