Oracle Uses Blockchain To Solve A Billion-Dollar Food Industry Problem

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2 min readJul 19, 2019

Last year Oracle entered a partnership with the World Bee Project (WBP) to leverage cloud technologies to better understand the decline in global bee populations. The initial goal was to devise innovative strategies to help farmers manage bee and pollinator habitats.

“Today’s bee population is declining at a very fast rate, which is being caused by human intervention and the use of fertilizers in crops. This is harmful for many reasons. For example, about 77% of all the food we eat depends on pollination. That equates to roughly $577 billion globally of food produced each year. Additionally, 1.4 billion farmers livelihoods rely on pollinators,” Jay Chugh, Oracle’s senior director of products, told me.

To understand why the global bee population has been declining over time, Oracle partnered with the World Bee Project to launch the “World Bee Project Hive Network”. The Hive Network remotely collects data through interconnected beehives using IoT sensors. The data is then fed into Oracle’s Cloud, which uses analytics tools including artificial intelligence (AI) and data visualization, to provide researchers with new insights into the relationships between bees and their environments.

The Hive Network has secured funding for a total of thirty locations and is live across Edinburgh, the U.K. (Reading, London and Chelsea Physic Garden) and Israel. The goal is to interconnect 500 million farmers in total through IoT sensors, and most recently, with blockchain technology.

To understand in detail how Oracle has used blockchain to leverage the innovation in Bee Industry, please click the link below to read a full article:


