3 Valuable Lessons My Cats Taught me About Self Care and Boundaries

Amelie D. Phoenix
Amelie Meanders
Published in
4 min readFeb 21, 2024

The 3rd lesson is far more important than most people realise

Had you asked me whether I was a dog or a cat person 30 years ago, when I was still a teenager who was not allowed to have any pets, I would have said I was definitely a dog person. I wanted a puppy desperately! To this day, I still adore dogs, and currently have an opinionated Maltese-poodle mix that fills my days with seemingly inexhaustible energy and unflagging optimism. However, life had other plans (doesn’t it always?) and not too long ago, it sent some stray kittens my way.

My three blind kittens, Chloe, Milo and Luna, on my sofa.
Chloe, Milo and Luna taking a nap

Milo, Chloe and Luna were barely two weeks’ old when we found them bravely and blindly trying to cross the road one April evening back in 2022. They were severely malnourished and suffering from horrific eye infections and we had to bottle feed and nurse them back to health. All three are now visually impaired adult cats. But they confidently strut around my house as though bumping into walls is a Tik-Tok trend I am too much of a Boomer to appreciate. I’m not a Boomer. I’m Gen-X. And I can’t imagine my life without these three cats.

Cats have a remarkable way of navigating life with an enviable air of effortless grace and self-assuredness. How do they do it? Even if I dared to ask such an impertinent question, I doubt Milo, Chloe and Luna would deign to answer. However, here are my three best insights, gleaned from discreetly observing them.

Lesson 1: We Should Be Proudly Prioritizing Rest and Relaxation

One of the most striking behaviours of cats is their unapologetic commitment to the art of unwinding. Whether basking in a sunbeam or curling up in a cosy nook, cats are masters when it comes to prioritizing downtime. In our fast-paced world, where hustle and productivity are almost fetishized, we can take a cue from our feline friends and actively seek to carve out moments for restorative rest. Embracing moments of stillness and allowing ourselves to recharge is essential for maintaining our physical and mental well-being.

Whether it’s saying no to additional commitments or advocating for personal space, establishing boundaries is crucial for preserving our energy and emotional health.

Photo by Tanmay Rohit on Unsplash

Lesson 2: We Should Be Unapologetically Setting and Enforcing Personal Boundaries

Cats are inherently independent creatures who know how to assert their boundaries without hesitation. From gently swatting away unwanted attention to seeking solitude when needed, cats are adept at communicating their needs and preferences. As humans, we can learn the importance of setting clear boundaries in our relationships and daily interactions. Whether it’s saying no to additional commitments or advocating for personal space, establishing boundaries is crucial for preserving our energy and emotional health.

A grey and white cat peeking through a half closed door, avoiding company.
Photo by Alex Bertman on Unsplash

Lesson 3: We Should Be Practising Self-Care Without Guilt

Perhaps one of the most valuable lessons my cats have taught me is the importance of prioritizing self-care without guilt or apology. Whether indulging in a meticulous grooming session or a favourite treat, Milo, Chloe and Luna approach self-care with an unwavering sense of entitlement. In a society that often glorifies busyness and self-sacrifice, it’s easy to overlook our own needs in favour of everyone else’s expectations. However, by following the example set by our feline companions and embracing self-care as a non-negotiable aspect of daily life, we can cultivate a deeper sense of well-being and fulfilment.

By prioritizing rest, asserting our limits of what we find tolerable, and embracing self-care without guilt, we can navigate life with greater ease and authenticity.

Ginger cat washing its coat.
Photo by Valeria Strogoteanu on Unsplash

Our cats offer invaluable insights into the practice of self-care and the establishment of healthy boundaries. By prioritizing rest, asserting our limits of what we find tolerable, and embracing self-care without guilt, we can navigate life with greater ease and authenticity. So let us take a cue from our feline friends and approach each day with a commitment to nurturing ourselves as fiercely and unapologetically as they do. After all, would you dare question them?



Amelie D. Phoenix
Amelie Meanders

Documenting my journey on Medium, as I recover autonomy, resilience and a sense of purpose through self-care and positive life changes.