My Co-op is Better Than Yours

How AMEND Consulting thinks about interns differently

Paul Delaney
AMEND Consulting
5 min readMay 14, 2018


Summer 2018 Analysts

Why do Americans hate going to work every day? Is the coffee bad? Are the bathrooms gross? Usually, you don’t hear people complaining about office amenities (although there’s nothing worse than day-old coffee).

No, typically when people complain about their jobs, they utter some variation of the following: “I hate my boss!” or “Why did we hire [insert under-qualified, overly obnoxious person here]?”

You see, Americans don’t hate their work; they just don’t like their boss or co-workers. In fact, a 2015 Gallup study found that about 50 percent of adults left their job “to get away from their manager.”

What does that tell you? It tells you that the sustainability of a business often hinges on one element: people.

People make the products. People market the services. People hire the people. The success, or failure, of a company lies on the backs of those who lead it. If their people aren’t happy, nothing else matters.

As a result, everything we do at AMEND revolves around people. Why? Because people run — and sustain — our business. We’re selling services performed by people, not machines. Our people have to be great — and they are. We have great people because we invest in our people.

We attract amazing people because they want to work with incredible teams.

It really is that simple.

This, however, does not happen by accident. One of the most common mistakes we see in business is companies hiring talented college students for internship positions, only to give them menial tasks. Well, we’re going to let you in on a little secret: Your fetching-coffee-and-making-copies intern doesn’t help anyone. Companies don’t get a chance to delegate tasks, and, more importantly, interns don’t receive challenging, relevant experience.

Why is there an international bestseller on helping interns survive their term at a company?!

We wanted to be different.

At AMEND, we hire best-in- class interns — called Analysts around here — and give them a chance to work with our clients, learn about consulting, and have a real impact on local businesses. Being an Analyst isn’t easy. The Analyst program doesn’t start on day one of the rotation, either. It starts long before the student and AMEND even meet.

Since our founding, AMEND has set out to be a team of Trusted Advisors, to deliver results in local businesses, and to stay true to our values through both good times and bad. We expect our people — all of our people — to follow those standards. As our team and client base grew, we began hiring brilliant students and giving them experiences no one else could: real-world work with our clients. Because of this, AMEND has become the premier internship destination, with both sides benefitting. We don’t go after average students; we want exceptional leaders in the classroom, leaders in organizations, and leaders amongst their peers. We want those striving to better themselves and who demonstrate tremendous self-awareness, discipline, and learning agility.

So, we took a chance. We brought in a few college students and taught them data analytics, financial analysis, operational excellence, and strategy, as well as other skills necessary to succeed in the 21st century. Two years ago, we had two or three Analysts each semester; this summer, we have 16.

Analyst Bootcamp

Why has this program grown so rapidly? Two words: personal development. Our Analysts are challenged day in and day out to do things they didn’t know was possible. We host a series of “Analyst Calls” in which they have a full curriculum that has been built over time to help develop both personally and professionally. We also guide each Analyst through their personal plan so they know what they’re doing well, where they can improve, and how to evaluate their goals.

Overall, we promise our Analysts three things:

1. Real Impact

We give our Analysts meaningful work, and they hit the ground running. After their first-day bootcamp, they meet with our clients to work on a project. Their goal: transformation through simplification, trimming operational fat, and finding better ways to achieve better results. Analysts are then assigned a Project Leader, who serves as supervisor and mentor throughout the experience.

Analyst Julia Heyl

2. Tangible Skills

Throughout the Analysts’ time at AMEND, we preach life lessons and teach practical skills. In a recent session about personal finance, for example, we explained how saving and investing early will give them financial freedom later in life. Through feedback from the Analysts, we continue to add new content and topics, always refining the message to achieve the greatest impact.

3. Personal Journey

Possibly the most meaningful aspect of the Analysts’ time at AMEND is the personal development plan. The Analysts get an opportunity to have a raw conversation with our partners and the people to whom they report. They record the progress they’re making, grade themselves on several professional aspects — such as communication and humility — and discuss their personal goals. During these sessions, we listen to their struggles, discover their passions, and offer advice and direction. Individuals who are most vulnerable often benefit the most.

When the internship ends, the AMEND-Analyst relationship does not. The intern program has become a pipeline for full-time talent with a number of them joining the team after graduation.

It’s a cycle — and a successful one, at that.

Many people find their fit at AMEND because of the team that’s here. The AMEND team is a family. We are a huge part of each other’s successes, hardships, and celebrations. We are there for our family. We are there for our people.

Most businesses can’t say the same.

Can yours?

Interested in joining the team? Email me and explain why you want to help AMEND in our journey of changing lives and transforming businesses.



Paul Delaney
AMEND Consulting

I write about people, recruiting, and culture. | Chief People Officer @ AMEND Consulting |