The system is broken.

It’s time to end the hate.

Jack Johnson
AMEND Consulting
4 min readJul 11, 2018




In all our working history — more than 20 years with hundreds of companies — we’ve NEVER heard anyone say “I love my ERP system!” or “Man, our ERP install went so well!” or “Our new ERP is giving me everything I need to run and lead my business.”

Mostly, we hear horror stories like:

“The system that was supposed to make us better shut us down — for weeks.”

“More than a year past install and we still don’t have everything working.”

“The install was a disaster. We went more than 6 months without being able to generate a P&L.”

“We never figured out when to turn off our old system… or what our new system could do… so we kept them both running — now we even have two more running to get what we need. So yes, we have four different ERP systems running. And yes, it’s a very expensive mess.”

“We keep pouring money in and hoping…”

And what you don’t know, hurts.

Your enterprise resource planning system is vital to your business, so it deserves the dedication and research needed to be implemented successfully.


ERP sales teams are great at selling white whales and unicorns — hooking you in with the promise of amazing results. What they don’t tell you about is all the work, time, and resources it’s going to take to get there. They don’t share the high failure rate, or the fact that installs run as high as 5X over budget and 30+ months past deadline. And what you don’t know, hurts.

If you’re getting ready to install, upgrade, or switch, we can help you find the best system, and guarantee a smooth install — saving you at least 9 months of pain and hundreds of thousands of dollars.

If you’re in the middle or at the end of an install, or suffering years later, our experts can help end your pain and get the most from your ERP system.
We have decades of experience working with ERP systems. From ERP Prep to Clean Up to full ERP Project Management, our ERP solutions are designed to help you achieve the amazing results your ERP system can deliver.

AMEND In Action

A client was ready to spend $3 million on a new ERP system. Our assessment showed they could get everything they needed, and then some, using a few of our custom-created systems. They were up and running in five months.

Total minimum savings = $2,875,000!!

“You don’t even know how badly you need AMEND until they are in there working with you.” — President, Engineering Excellence

Another client had invested $500,000 and six month of time and effort, with little to show:

“Things were a real mess. Our ERP system that runs our manufacturing was behind in getting switched over. We were growing so fast and we had so many priorities.
It’s not that we weren’t taking action. We were taking lots of action. We had invested $500,000 and a year of our time and didn’t really have much to show for it…

If it wasn’t for AMEND, we would have been much farther behind. We spent 8 months working this on our own, doing our best, doing everything the ERP implementation team from our supplier told us to do and we were still lost and not making any progress.

We were able to completely trust the AMEND team. They had no agenda, no politics. Their only motivation was our overall success. And, after only 2 months of working with the AMEND team, we were on fire.

James, Paul and the entire AMEND team worked with us to think through and define our needs. They challenged us to think about what we ‘must have’ and what would be ‘nice to have.’ They helped us stay focused on what we needed and how to get there. It seems really basic, but these fundamentals get lost in the day-to-day activities of implementing a change like this while we’re all also working our regular, full-time jobs.

AMEND made us stronger. They were able to quickly see all our gaps and fill them instantly with the right, highly-skilled people. They added expertise when needed. They expanded our team as necessary to support the work that needed to be done. Frankly, without AMEND, we would not have had the expertise or resources to support this business-critical implementation and roll out.”

— Director of Supply Chain Mgmt, General Data

If your current ERP system is hurting instead of helping you, it’s time to say goodbye. Check out our website to learn about more solutions we offer.



Jack Johnson
AMEND Consulting

I write about data analytics, business intelligence, and more. | Nashville Practice Leader @ AMEND Consulting |