Trapped in the Trenches

What to do when you just can’t anymore.

Jack Johnson
AMEND Consulting
3 min readJun 27, 2018


We’ve all been there before. That time when you feel tired from working all day and want nothing more than to go home and sleep forever. You simply don’t feel like you can go any further. Sometimes we may question, “Does what I’m doing right now actually make a meaningful impact in the world?”

Fear not! This happens to everyone and is simply just a part of life. We get overwhelmed, stressed, or behind on tasks. The days of hustling, then taking a break, then hustling, then taking a break, are few and far in-between. We hustle, and hustle, and hustle some more.

Here are some of the struggles I’ve heard from clients going through these tough times just this past week:

“I am extremely busy and don’t know how to find time. I’m down two team members on vacation and an engineer that resigned, installing two new machines, and managing a growing backlog of tasks to complete…”

“I’m tired of having to take my laptop home at night and work on weekends…”

“I wish we only had to use one system. This process takes too much time and duplicates effort, and I’m tired of it taking so long.”

What do you do when you find yourself in these situations? These three quick tips help me when I’m in a rut:

1. Be grateful; it could be worse!

Whenever you feel like you’re in a hard place, remember that although you’re going through a challenging time at the moment, it could always be worse. It’s important to be thankful for the blessings you have been given. Studies have even proven that gratitude improves brain and body health; grateful people have less aches, pains, and harmful emotions.

2. Take a break.

Life takes a toll on you, both physically and mentally. Sometimes the best medication is just to relax, take a deep breath, and do something for yourself. Whether it’s through exercising, reading, or taking a nap, everyone needs an avenue to relieve that daily stress. It doesn’t have to be a vacation or day-off either. For me, I take a 15-minute walk every day to get outside and relax my mind.

Try one of these eight natural stress-relievers!

3. Ask for help from someone you trust.

I know… seeking counsel isn’t the easiest thing to do. But, it might be just the thing you need when you’re struggling. One of the most rewarding parts of our job is having that go-to spot where our clients can go to relax and seek help. When they have a problem they can’t fix on their own, they come to us. Together, we find a better way.

In your life, this may look like calling home for help or asking your boss for career advice. Never forget that everyone needs support at some point in their life.

When you find yourself in another challenging time, whether at work or home, just remember to say thanks, take a break, and ask for a helping hand. I get to coach clients and teams on this every day. Although the tools look different, the goal remains the same: to get back on track and become the best version of yourself at home and work.



Jack Johnson
AMEND Consulting

I write about data analytics, business intelligence, and more. | Nashville Practice Leader @ AMEND Consulting |