Watch: “Crypto Decoded”, New Documentary by PBS

Amentum Capital
Published in
2 min readNov 11, 2022
Look for Amentum GP Steven McKie around 20:00mins in!

Winter is coming, and as the season changes, so does the market. Before we cut on our auto-email replies and scurry away to family asking us a litany of questions once more, let’s not forget the basics. There are still many people unfamiliar about crypto; yet year-over-year, things continue to get more dramatic as the cast of crypto zeroes, hucksters and fraudsters grows — but that’s enough about the FTX team…

PBS just released a new documentary from NOVA in trying to demystify the crypto experience (including NFTs and Ethereum). Spanning their massive public access and viewer sponsored network, this documentary will reach more classrooms and educators than most in recent history across the U.S.

It’s a well made primer to share for the family this holiday while you choke back those hot toddys, holding back your grimace because your Uncle Vernon made the whole family laugh at you at the dinner table for buying Bitcoin, again. Oh well, maybe next year you’ll have the last laugh. Until then, you can distract them with this documentary.

PS: Amentum Capital GP and Managing Director, Steven McKie, makes a cameo! Just look for him and his signature beanie.

More ways to watch, “Crypto Decoded — Season 49, Episode 18”:



Amentum Capital
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