Dive into the latest GEBCO bathymetry data with our Ocean Web API

I. Cornelius
Published in
3 min readApr 8, 2024

What is Bathymetry?

Bathymetry is the scientific discipline focused on measuring the depths of water bodies to characterize the topography of the seafloor. It employs several advanced technologies:

Echo Sounders (Sonar): Utilized extensively for bathymetric surveys, echo sounders deploy acoustic signals towards the seafloor and measure the time taken for the echoes to return. The depth is calculated based on the travel time of these sound waves. Single-beam sonar provides depth measurements directly beneath a vessel, while multibeam sonar emits an array of beams across a wider area for detailed seafloor mapping.

LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging): A remote sensing technology, LiDAR employs pulsed laser light to measure distances. For bathymetric purposes, airborne LiDAR systems emit light pulses towards the water, measuring the time between the pulse’s reflection off the water surface and the seafloor. This method is particularly effective in shallow waters, enabling rapid, large-area surveys with high precision.

Satellite Altimetry: This approach uses satellites equipped with radar altimeters to emit microwave pulses towards the Earth’s surface, recording the return time to infer sea surface heights. Variations in sea surface height can indicate underlying bathymetric features due to gravitational anomalies. Satellite altimetry is instrumental in mapping vast, inaccessible oceanic areas.

Submersibles and ROVs: These directly observe the seafloor, providing high-resolution data and imagery for areas challenging to reach with other methods. Equipped with sonar and sometimes LiDAR, these vehicles are crucial for detailed topographic studies of the seafloor, including deep trenches and hydrothermal vents.

Seismic Reflection: Although not a direct method for measuring water depth, seismic reflection profiles the subsurface layers beneath the seafloor. This technique involves generating sound waves that penetrate the seabed, with the reflected waves providing data on sediment and rock layering.

Each method’s applicability depends on the survey’s objectives, water depth, desired resolution, and geographical constraints, reflecting the multidisciplinary nature of bathymetric science.

What is GEBCO?

The General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) is a collaborative effort aimed at compiling comprehensive bathymetric data sets and maps. These data sets are derived from the various sources described above.

GEBCO data finds applications in diverse fields including maritime navigation, marine resource exploration, and environmental monitoring.

Enrich your software with bathymetry data via web API

By providing a standardised interface, web APIs simplify data retrieval and enable seamless integration regardless of software programming language. This convenience empowers developers to focus on application logic and functionality without the burden of complex data management. Our Ocean Web API now offers a streamlined approach to accessing and integrating the 2023 GEBCO bathymetry dataset into your software applications.

Illustrative Example

Below, we show how GEBCO bathymetry data can be accessed for a shipping route. The left hand side shows a route planned using SeaRoutes between Australia and Japan, and the right shows the depth information obtained using our Ocean API for each waypoint. The extreme depths along the route, and the variation in spatial resolution, are apparent.

Dive in!

Ready to explore the depths of oceanography? Sign up for a free trial of our Ocean API and leverage GEBCO 2023 bathymetry data to enrich your maritime applications. Whether you’re developing maritime navigation systems, marine research tools, or environmental monitoring applications, our API provides the bathymetry data needed to propel your projects forward.

We offer a free 14 day trial with ongoing commercial subscriptions from 100 AUD per month covered by a Service Level Agreement and backed by highly scalable AWS infrastructure.

Create an account and obtain an API Key at our developer portal here.

Wishing you all smooth sailing.

The A-Team

