Oceanographic data at your fingertips with our new web API

I. Cornelius
Published in
2 min readApr 11, 2022

The OECD predicts the value added by the Ocean Economy will reach USD 3 trillion in 2030, with a significant increase in fisheries, off-shore infrastructure, and port activities. Science, technology, and innovation play a critical role in protecting our fragile oceans from this economic development, and preserving it for future generations.

Forecasting ocean quantities such as temperature, salinity, and currents is of interest to all ocean stakeholders. Temperature affects weather phenomena such as the formation of tropical cyclones, cooling and warming of land masses, sea breezes and sea fog. Salinity is an important factor in chemistry and biochemistry of natural waters and is an important ecological factor, determining which species inhabit a given area. Salinity and temperature are both drivers of ocean circulation as they affect the density of seawater. Ocean currents are important for the study of marine debris and climate change, and are important to improving the efficiency of ocean freight.

Ocean current magnitudes (off the East coast of Australia) nowcast by the global ROTFS and accessed via our Ocean API on 2nd April 2022.

The official global Real-Time Ocean Forecast System RTOFS was developed and made available by the US National Weather Service and the US Navy. It is operated by the US National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and provides 3D gridded data with a 24 hour time step, forecasting ahead 120 hours.

We are excited to announce the release of our new Ocean web API. The API provides machine-to-machine access to nowcast values of salinity, temperature, and currents, as predicted by the RTOFS model, for the following day.

Visit our website to try the API for free.

Please contact us if you have any questions, if other quantities (such as sea ice thickness) or greater forecast horizons are needed, or if you would like to discuss partnering opportunities.

We hope the API helps you to innovate faster and to create a safer, more sustainable, and more efficient ocean economy!

The A-team

