We have great news for you that we are happy to announce!

AME Chain
AME Chain
Published in
Oct 30, 2020

Adaptive — an IPO and digital assets leader in Singapore has invested in AMEPAY!

Adaptive is an advisor and sponsor on SPAC IPOs on NASDAQ. The company is a team of digital asset experts helping other companies to decentralize financial models and raise capital at pre-IPO via digital assets.

Our partnership with Adaptive is another proof of how important and promising our project is. Their evaluation of AMEPAY means a lot to us, and we are happy about our partnership!

You can learn more about Adaptive on their website

We would also like to remind you that you still have time to join the project and support AMEPAY!



AME Chain
AME Chain

A fast and secure decentralized digital asset ledger that is EVM compatible with high performance and scalability.