CS Student Profile Series: “Not everyone codes in the same way”

Katrina Kennett
America Campaign
Published in
1 min readFeb 21, 2018

In Casey Donahue’s classes, students have a range of coding experience. For some, this is their first time coding, others are building particle physics engines within Code.org’s interface. Talking to a few of these high school students, I was struck by their enthusiasm for Computer Science and their emphasis on how important it is for the future.

These excerpts are from interviews with Casey’s Second Period students. All quotes have been reviewed by the students and permission has been given by their parents.

Jack and Justin

Jack: The most difficult thing about coding is that when people get stuck, a lot of people want to stop rather than find a solution around it. They get frustrated an quit. One of the best things is learning more about problem solving and not quitting. Instead, finding a way around it to solve it.

Justin: The best thing is that you don’t have to write the code out in a certain way. As long as it works. It gives you creativity on how to solve different problems — it’s not just one certain way.

Jack: Right, not everyone codes in the same way.



Katrina Kennett
America Campaign

Asst Professor at University of Montana Western | PhD in literacy education / former English teacher. katrinakennett.com | @katrinakennett