What Informs Computer Science Education?

Katrina Kennett
America Campaign
Published in
3 min readDec 16, 2017

We hear about the importance of computer science education on social media and in the news. As more teachers learn to teach computer science to their students, it’s helpful to have a quick reference guide to what computer science is as well as what informs computer science education.

What Is Computer Science?

When it comes to computer science, there are plenty of definitions of what it is (and of what it’s not).

The definitions that I find most helpful are the ones that make concrete the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of computer science. For example:

“Computer Science: The study of computers and algorithmic processes, including their principles, their hardware and software designs, their application, and their impact on society” (Tucker et. al, 2006, p.2).

Definitions are important — policymakers use them to guide statewide CS standards adoption, non-profits use them to orient their programs, and laypeople use them to understand what (generally) kids these days are learning.

But, as we all know, rarely is a definition the only factor to take into consideration.

What Informs Computer Science Education?

Teachers need an understanding of computer science in order to teach it (content knowledge). In addition, they also need to understand what practices support teaching CS to their specific students (pedagogical knowledge).

As they design instruction, it’s also good to have a good grasp on other articulations of computer science education. These include state requirements, national and state standards, district curriculum, and school-based curricular alignment. Teachers take these broader articulations of CS and combine them with their content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and student knowledge to inform classroom curriculum and instruction.

The following chart is meant to be helpful when navigating the differences between all of these moving parts. Specifically, it’s intended for teachers who are beginning to ask, “how do I teach computer science to my students?”

The Multiple Moving Parts of Computer Science Education

The following section explores each of these features that play different roles in designing Computer Science Education:

  • K-12 Computer Science Framework
  • State Requirements
  • Standards: Next Generation Science Standards
  • Standards: ISTE Standards for Students
  • Standards: Common Core State Standards
  • Curriculum
  • Instruction

K-12 Computer Science Framework


State Requirements

example: Montana

Next Generation Science Standards


*crosswalk with how NGSS and CS Framework overlap, complement, and are different

**Teacher talking about NGSS and CS in her classroom

ISTE Standards for Students

International Society for Technology in Education

Common Core State Standards


*crosswalk from CCSS to AP CS A





Katrina Kennett
America Campaign

Asst Professor at University of Montana Western | PhD in literacy education / former English teacher. katrinakennett.com | @katrinakennett