United Nations: the Puppeteer of Oppression

The United Nations needs to stop being an instrument of political oppression for the Chinese Communist Party and be the champion of equality it was created to be.


Representatives of 50 countries at the United Nations Conference on International Organization drew up the United Nations Charter, on April 25, 1945, in San Francisco

“I just don’t believe that when people are being unjustly oppressed that they should let someone else set rules for them by which they can come out from under that oppression.” -Malcolm X

As all 193 member states gathered in New York for the 73rd United Nations General Assembly; once again Taiwan is excluded from participating in discussions of global affairs. The same sad state of affairs since losing its UN seat in 1971. The People’s Republic of China, an authoritarian regime seeking to erase Taiwan from the international community, has exercised its influence as one of the Big Five members by exerting the 1971 General Assembly Resolution 2758 to obstruct any attempts by the Taiwanese people to seek recognition from the UN.

Beijing issued “Taiwan Compatriot Card”

The United Nations has been an instrument for China to advance its Orwellian Nonsense throughout international institutions. Taiwanese passport holders enjoy visa free entry to 163 countries. However, Taiwanese tourists are still barred from entering UN headquarters. According to UN internal guidelines, Taiwanese passports and identification cards are not acceptable documentation, but visitors with a Beijing issued “Taiwan Compatriot Card” would be accepted for entry. Taiwanese journalists are also barred from reporting General Assembly sessions and other UN-related activities. Christophe Deloire, Secretary-General of Reporters Without Borders (RSF), slammed the UN for violating Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states: “everyone has the right to receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Taiwan is an independent nation with its own armed forces, defined territory, currency, and a Head of State elected by the 23 million Taiwanese citizens. In addition, Taiwan has the ability to conduct diplomatic relations with foreign countries. Taiwan clearly fits the definition of a sovereign state, and it deserves to be granted full UN membership. However, due to Chinese oppression, Taiwan’s right for equal representation has been deprived by the same organization that claims to be a champion for equal rights and dignity for everyone.

Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, right, with Foreign Minister Joseph Wu, left. (Image: Nikkei Inc)

Despite Taiwan not being allowed to participate in any UN-related activities, it has never stopped being a responsible member of the global community. According to Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu, Taiwan has released its first Voluntary National Review last year in accordance with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals initiative. Taiwan also has been providing development assistance to other countries through the government-backed International Cooperation and Development Fund. Through this fund, Taiwan has provided assistance in areas such as health, agriculture, and clean energy, among others.

Taiwan’s contributions to the global community are undeniable. The United States, Taiwan’s most important ally, has praised Taiwan for being a vital partner, a democratic success story and a force for good in the world. Taiwan is a peace loving nation who only wants to be involved in the global network. So, why are human rights violators such as North Korea able to remain in the UN, but the Taiwanese people are silenced for seeking equal treatment as granted by the UN charter? The United Nations needs to stop being an instrument of political oppressing for the Chinese Communist Party and be the champion of equality it was created to be.

The United Nations needs to stop being an instrument of political oppressing for the Chinese Communist Party and be the champion of equality it was created to be.

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葉忠正 (Najee Woods)
American Citizens for Taiwan | 美臺會

An unapologetic pro-Taiwan advocate. Writer for American Citizens for Taiwan.