American Democracy is About to Die

Moore v. Harper could signal the end of fair and open elections in the United States

American Collapse


Photo by Ian Hutchinson on Unsplash

I’ve been on a week-long writing hiatus. The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade — while not unexpected — sent shock waves through my community.

What lies ahead is the end of America as we know it.

Moore v. Harper

The Supreme Court on Thursday agreed to hear the case of Moore v. Harper, a North Carolina case that concerns gerrymandering, voting districts, and a little-known theory called the independent state legislature doctrine (ISLD), this coming October.

Central to the case, according to SCOTUS blog, is the legal theory called “independent state legislature doctrine,” which asserts that, under the Constitution’s election clause, “only the legislature has the power to regulate federal elections, without interference from state courts.”

“The theory would disable state courts from protecting voting rights in federal elections by eliminating state constitutional protections in those elections,” Legal experts Leah Litman, Kate Shaw and Carolyn Shapiro wrote of the case in an opinion piece for The Washington Post. “And it would do so at a time when voting rights are under attack, including at the…



American Collapse

Writing about what I see in this world. Amateur scribbler with a curiosity for new experiences.