Oppressive Heat.

Climate collapse is here.

American Collapse



My weather app says it’s supposed to be 96º today. Heat index of 110º. They’re telling us to stay inside.

The thermometer that hangs on my porch says it’s already above 85º at 9:18am — the time of writing this — in the shade. No breeze though.

I woke up dizzy yesterday. I suspect it was from dehydration based on the day before. I went for a two-mile run and probably didn’t re-hydrate enough. Drank some salt water and that helped.

I’m lucky that I live in the United States and have an air conditioner; which I know adds to the problem, but I can’t imagine living without it.

The dog’s getting old and can’t regulate his temperature as easy so he likes the air conditioned house too.

I — alone — can’t change what’s happening to our dying planet. There’s nothing that my household can do to offset the oil companies dumping and dumping and dumping pollution into our oceans, or negating the huge amounts of methane being released into the atmosphere from Siberia.

I’m sure you’ve seen the news from Yellowstone.

I’m sure you’re experiencing the heatwave that we’re all living through right now.

Climate collapse is here.



American Collapse

Writing about what I see in this world. Amateur scribbler with a curiosity for new experiences.