Slight Push

A quick thought 

Julian T. Wyllie
1 min readNov 13, 2013

On most late nights, I comfortably sit in my dorm room and give myself time to think. My routine consists of a little music, homework, and the television fixed on CNN or ESPN. Only sports and the news interest me these days. Tonight is a CNN night and it got me thinking.

The more I watch the news, the more I notice the repetitive talking points related to the issues the world currently faces. Pro this and anti that is the usual framework. On and on the media cycle goes. Every discussion seems to focus on the divide among us and not what brings us together.

People need solutions. That much is simple. We cannot forget why we elect officials and vote in the first place. It is about promoting growth and a healthy society. Regardless of ideology or political affiliation, we can agree on that much right?

We have completely forgotten the point. This is a small message to those in power. Work harder. Fix things. Move forward. We need you to make this country and the globe better for future generations.

This is also a message to myself. If I want something to change, I need to become a part of the solution as well. If you wish to move forward with me, how about we just do it. You can lead, I can lead, we can lead.

I’ll be ready and waiting.

