My nieces Bhena & Kilah


giving thanks

2 min readNov 29, 2013


On this Thanksgiving, I’m present to how fundamental this day is to being American. I believe it to be one of our most positive attributes as Americans; being grateful. When I consider what makes America special, gratitude is a central component. When we feel and express gratitude, more things to be grateful for flow towards us. Success and joy are byproducts of this discipline. And gratitude is core to our DNA as Americans. This is why we have thrived as a nation for so long.

When we feel grateful, we experience joy. Our perspectives shift. Every experience is an opportunity to grow; not to judge. We accept what is while realizing anything is possible. All that exists becomes pure potential; all within our reach. Feeling is knowing. We align with our intuition and doubt ceises to exist. We experience life as a true gift. Every interaction becomes an opportunity to feel, observe, process & grow. We evolve!

A dear friend recently shared the following…

We Co-exist

This beautifully inspiring message adorns my homescreen and reminds me of the source of my existence, which is to ‘metabolize love’. I’m adding this one to my lexicon, which just arrived today from another magical spirit that is coloring my life with the most beautiful light!

On this Thanksgiving eve, I will lie to rest while holding the vision that all may yield the awareness to manifest gratitude for each moment experienced in this gift of life.

Pure Love & Light,


