photo © amy sly

Michael Brennan: Socially Conscious Geeks.

Sharp Stuff
American Dreamers
2 min readFeb 14, 2013


How can a computer scientist make direct, tangible impact on the lives of individuals around the world? I don’t mean through a fancier phone or a prettier video game. I mean for basic needs and emergencies: food, drought, shelter, jobs, health, hurricanes.

This question emerged for me as a young college student. I was earning a degree in computer science and running the college chapter of Amnesty International on the side. On one hand, I was programming late at night. On the other, I was writing letters in support of releasing political prisoners around the world. I loved both but, at the time, I saw no link between the two. This raised some concern, but I shrugged it off. I would figure it out later.

Hackers. Technologists. Programmers. Geeks. Whatever you want to call us. We are your ally, and you are ours. We understand the technology and you understand the problem. We must work together and co-create twenty-first century solutions to the problems humanity faces. And we can do it.

Michael Brennan is a technologist living in Philadelphia. He currently works for SecondMuse, where he is a global organizer for socially conscious tech initiatives such as Random Hacks of Kindness, the International Space Apps Challenge, and the Central America Domestic Violence

This excerpt is from American Dreamers, available now at Sharp Stuff.



Sharp Stuff
American Dreamers

Messing around with words and pictures. Wieden+KennedyTomorrow. American Dreamers available now: