photo © amy sly

SoulPancake ft. Rainn Wilson: Talking About Faith.

What kind of future do you dream of and what needs to be done to get there?

Sharp Stuff
American Dreamers
Published in
2 min readFeb 13, 2013


We dream of a future where people are excited to collaborate, communicate, and unleash their creativity in order to make the world a kinder, more beautiful place. To get to this future, we need open minds, and moreover, open hearts. We need to let go of our fears and simply learn to love each other more.

SoulPancake seeks to create opportunities for people to explore who they are, to open their hearts, and catalyze their creativity. In that world, we would be more compassionate towards one another and better equipped to solve problems. We become stronger because we have a unified whole made up of very diverse parts. Discussion is the first step. That dialogue must then lead to action, otherwise it’s useless.

Our dream is to give people everywhere a voice and a purpose for their lives. We want everyone to have the freedom to express themselves. We dream of a world where we can create and collaborate together and continually inspire each other to do our very best.

What does the future of American faith look like; what things are happening now that excite you about it?

I think there are two processes happening simultaneously in America: a divergence from blind faith and dogma and a resurgence of spirituality and greatness in the world. What is exciting about this is that it puts us all in a position to see ourselves as spiritual beings. This is a concept that all religions teach, and with that as a basis, we can then work together.

A rabbi, an atheist, a Christian, a Buddhist, a Muslim, a Universalist, a Baha’i, an explorerand, a _________, all walk into the future; is it one where they can all get along?

Yes, it is. But only if they seek to connect through their hearts first.

SoulPancake was originally founded by actor Rainn Wilson of The Office and his friends Joshua Homnick and Devon Gundry in 2007. SoulPancake offers discussions, blog posts, questions, creative activities, writing exercises, polls, interviews, columns, videos, and original art by up-and-coming artists.

This excerpt is from American Dreamers, available now at Sharp Stuff.



Sharp Stuff
American Dreamers

Messing around with words and pictures. Wieden+KennedyTomorrow. American Dreamers available now: