Tourist Attraction

Burg Ronnenburg

A visit to a beautiful German Castle

Nicole Dake
American Expats Living in Germany
4 min readMay 15, 2022


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Yesterday, we went to go see a castle that actually had a tour at Burg Ronnenburg.

In German, there are two words for castle. There is Schloss and Burg. A Schloss is a new, modern palace. A Burg is a more medieval castle which may be in ruins.

Being able to go into a building that was constructed over the 1300’s to 1400’s was amazing. It is just surreal to be in a building where people lived so long ago, and know that it is still sturdy and standing.

According to their website,

Ronneburg Castle

Is one of the few hilltop castles in Germany that have been preserved in their original condition from the 16th century and is one of the most important castles in Hesse.

We got to climb up to the top of the tower, and see a view of all the countryside around us. You could even see all the way back to the downtown of Frankfurt from there.

Photo owned by Author

The view from the top of the castle was amazing. We climbed up floor after floor of old stone steps to get to the observation deck.

