Baltimore Teacher Upbraids Students Using Racial Slurs

Cole Helvey
2 min readNov 17, 2016



A shocking sequence of events in the city of Baltimore occurred Wednesday, as a public middle-school teacher at Harlem Park Middle School in West Baltimore expressed a great deal of anger in a class (as well as the school as a whole) consisting of a majority of African Americans. The teacher would begin to start screaming at the students, telling them that they were “idiots.”

The teacher’s name has been kept disclosed to the general public as of now, but luckily for all of the students in the room, one of the kids actually videoed the teacher saying that if they didn’t get an education, they will wind up “a punk ass n — — who’s going to get shot.”

Understandably, the students then proceeded to verbally retaliate, telling the teacher that the above quote was not at all acceptable. Since the video has been released to the public, it has been viewed almost two million times, and counting. So it should be needless to say that this particular incident has gained a lot of steam, and a lot of publicity. Additionally, it should also be needless to say that the teacher in the situation was released of employment from the district.

The below quote was made by the school district: “Yesterday a middle school science teacher at Harlem Park Elementary/Middle School engaged in verbally abusive behavior and made racially charged comments directed at students. The teacher involved in the incident is no longer employed by City Schools.”

One of the student’s reaction

This incident brings a concern to a discussion involving several issues such as racial discrimination, management in schools, as well as school districts, etc. However, the concern of procedures involving background checks for tax funded, government affiliated jobs could be made a priority due to this situation. This incident exemplifies that the current procedures related to background checks in governement funded/affiliated jobs could be improved in some shape or form. Is it guaranteed that emphasizing on these checks, which may mean putting more money into this certain area of employment, will eliminate bigotry among employees or ever lessen it? Arguments can certainly be made for both sides.

Realistically, this incident will most likely cause some sort of altering in procedural layout, at least for the distrcit. So with almost nothing positive to be drawn out of this situation, at least awareness of important issues such as background checking procedure and racial discrimination among government funded jobs will have an awareness boost.

