Apocalypse is Coming

Glenda Thompson (aka Ada James)
American Haiku
Published in
1 min readJun 24, 2020


Hellfire and Damnation

Yellow and orange flames consuming mesquite branches and twigs
Image by Glenda Thompson

Fiery preacher roars
“Hell-fire and damnation is
coming for us all

“The apocalypse
approaches — none will escape
send money to me”

The Bible says He
Walked on water; the song says
the preacher wants to

What happened to my
God of forgiveness and love?
Did greed consume Him?

Sorry, I’ve been missing from Medium for a while, but I’m excited to announce I signed a contract on my novel, Broken Toys. I’ve been locked in the writing cave completing first round edits. Squeeeee! I’m excited!



Glenda Thompson (aka Ada James)
American Haiku

Always learning, always growing. Dreamer, Artist, Painter with Words. Survivor. Chasing my rainbows. Follow me?