
A thought in Monoku


Monoku on attitude, lily photography
Lily, photo by Monoreena

Do not script your own failure — work on your attitude and shine

Just like flowers, which instantly spruce up a room, our attitude decides our success, which ever way you define that.It is that attribute which will decide whether we light up a space or make it stink.
Choosing words correctly, keeping the right timber in our voice, affable manners are everything that add to our charm( considered an X-factor in achieving success).Talent take us to the door of accomplishment, attitude help us reach the finishing line.
As Oprah Winfrey rightly put,”The greatest discovery of all times is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.”

Thank you Pierre Trudel Jenny Justice Tapan Avasthi Heidi Franklin and American Haiku, for publishing my thoughts.

Thank you to everyone taking note.

