Be True to Yourself

. . . An American Haiku

Beth Stormont
American Haiku


Photo by Slava on Unsplash

Be true to your inner Self
No matter how it feels . . . or
The resultant outer consequences

Often, when we follow our inner guidance system
it can feel right at the time, but . . .
because of our strong outer conditioning,
the highly-trained conscious brain-mind
can come into play
and play the devil’s advocate with us
— and cause us to question
that inner voice and resolve.

I invite you to read a new unusual (for me) writing
that I shall be submitting shortly for publication to
Weeds and Wildflowers
. . . writing that relates to what I have expressed
in this American Haiku.

It is called Wild Mustangs and Writing Styles
and it was born from - (and related to respectively) -
My Story from Childhood to Adulthood and
The Artistry of the Writer
(both published by Spiritual Secrets)

Because it is such a departure from my normal style
of writing (both in format and in content) —
and because it is based on actual recent experience
— I have agonized over it
and thus sought refuge in expressing about it
here on American Haiku. . .

Thank you once again for your great understanding,
Louise /(Pierre). . . and to all you dear writers/readers!



Beth Stormont
American Haiku

Philosophic observer and poet of life experiences; mystic; college professor and professional Classical musician; lover of deep simplicity.