
Haiku basket on Poetry of the Sea

Monoreena Acharjee Majumdar
American Haiku


Ninth Wave, by Ivan_Aivazovsky

Sunset is like a letter read many times — Oshima Ryota (1718–1787)

setting blue ablaze
unicorn reaches to touch
O! ninth wave shimmers

Painting by Ivan_Aivazovsky

A single moon bright and clear in an unclouded sky.Yet…we stumble in the world’s darkness — Ikkyu(1394–1481)

nocturnal mirror
time gather sand on shore dimmed
moon walks the shadows

Painting by Ivan_Aivazovsky

And like the sea,I am constantly changing from calm to hell — Dallas Green

smoky sky diffused
triremes far, signal carnage
fire in the ocean

Author’s Note: “Creativity doesn’t wait for that perfect moment. It fashions its own perfect moments out of ordinary ones.” — Bruce Garrabrandt

Ivan_Aivazovsky (1817–1900),was the most iconic Russian painter and marine artist of the 19th Century. Born to a poor Armenian family in Feodosiya, Crimea, where he was taught to learn violin,and speak Polish and Ukranian fluently, apart from painting.
Aivazovsky is best known for his seascapes and coastal scenes.His technique and imagination in depicting the shimmering play of light on the waves and sea foam is specially admired, which gives his works a romantic yet realistic quality.Specially effective is his ability to depict diffuse sunlight and moonlight, sometimes coming from behind the clouds, sometimes coming through a fog, with almost transparent layers of paint.

One of his iconic outings is the Ninth Wave( 1st canvas), housed in The State Russian Museum.

A series of paintings of naval battles painted in the 1840s brought his dramatic skills to the fore, with the flames of burning ships reflected in water and clouds.

He also painted landscapes of peasant life in Ukarine, and city life in Istanbul.

Though there is critique of his paintings being repetitive and melodramatic, this may be a gentle reminder to a destroyer, that they have a beautiful and soft history of creation to fall back on, rather than their current weapon of mass destruction.

Ref: Ivan-Konstantinovich-Aivazovsky

Thank you Pierre Trudel Jenny Justice Tapan Avasthi Heidi Franklin and American Haiku for publishing my poetry.

Thank you to everyone who decides to stop by and take note.

