Rainbow People

Monoreena Acharjee Majumdar
American Haiku
Published in
2 min readDec 30, 2021



rainbow people,3 Haikus on LGBTQ,image designed digitally by Mocra
Digital Illustration by Monoreena

“If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door” — Harvey Milk

his mirror reflects
her, kaleidoscope azure
O! Rainbow people

march of memories*
that calling me by my name
mountains breaking back

parading the queer
minority label sticks
ah! but all with pride

Author’s Note:”The only queer people are those who don’t love anybody” — Rita Mae Brown.
It is since good few months now that I am trying to write a few lines about LQBTQ community. A free verse eluded me for long, so a thought of a Haiku grew seeds, and today ended up writing three!
I will not say I am very happy with it, but pleased that I made a start.
I tried to include the basic elements which define and distinguish this community in a more academic light.
The second Haiku* consists of names of three movies I watched in this genre that gave me some clarity and understanding about the same: Memories In March, Brokeback Mountains, Call me by your name (the book by the same name is a reading experience for sure).
Why I chose to write about LGBTQ: Being a member of a minority community of another kind, I think even when nuances are rather alien,the feeling of being stifled, un/mis-understood by people around is somewhat similar.So deciding to champion any ‘minority’ cause becomes imperative.

Thank you Pierre Trudel Jenny Justice Tapan Avasthi Heidi Franklin and American Haiku for this space and freedom.

Thank you for taking note.

