
A Thought in Monoku


monoku on rebel, painting by monoreena
Painting by Monoreena

dream infused eyes, ideal wrapped heart — dipped in ponds of realities

When the world today doesn’t make sense, why should I paint pictures that do — Pablo Picasso.
Rebels are dreamers, non-tolerators of realities. Those sensitive minds whose souls generate that spark, can began a revolution when reality collide, questioning the status-quo and teaching the world a note in differential thinking.
Artists, writers, thinkers are rebels in their own small way to change the world for better.Even nature rebels and define our position on this ever spinning ball, coming free with the Gravity-glue.We know that now.

I know how dictionaries define Rebels.Don’t quote me that.

Thank you Pierre Trudel Jenny Justice Tapan Avasthi Heidi Franklin and American Haiku for giving a freeway to my thoughts.

Thank you everyone for taking note.

