Donald Trump Says Both Sides Were to Blame for Surprise Attack on Pearl Harbor

S. J. Newman
Published in
2 min readAug 16, 2017
President Trump says the U.S. Naval fleet at Pearl Harbor “was probably asking for it.”

NEW YORK (S. J. Newman) — President Donald Trump, in an impromptu news conference in New York, said both attackers and counter-attackers were responsible for “the bad things that happened on Pearl Harbor day.” [sic]

Mr. Trump placed blame on both sides of the attack — equating Japanese Kamikazes on one side with the “asking-for-it” U.S. Naval fleet on the other.

“Those big ships should’ve gotten out of the way of those tiny planes,” said Mr. Trump, enraging WWII veterans and anyone who has passed fourth grade American history.

Undisputed by American and Japanese historians, the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor was an unprovoked military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service against the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Territory, on the morning of December 7, 1941.

Mr. Trump also attempted to set the record straight on the Cuban Missile Crisis, saying there were “plenty of bad people” on both sides of the nuclear standoff between the Soviet Russians and American schoolchildren hiding under their desks.

Describing Mr. Trump’s retelling of the missile crisis as “fair and balanced,” Russian President, Vladimir Putin, tweeted, “Thank you President Trump for your honesty and courage to tell the truth.”


S. J. Newman is a freelance Creative Director. Please like, comment, share. See the usual suspects walk the red carpet of shame at American Perp Walk



S. J. Newman

Political satire that’s at least as good as the worst of the best. S. J. Newman is a freelance Creative Director.