Roar of Marine One Helicopter Drowned Out by Trump’s Lying

S. J. Newman
Published in
1 min readApr 12, 2019

WASHINGTON (S. J. Newman) — Pilots mistakenly feared Marine One had stalled on the South Lawn yesterday when the reassuring noise of the idling helicopter was drowned out by the President repeatedly shouting at reporters, “no collusion.”

“I can tell if my chopper is not 100% operational, just by listening,” said Marine pilot, Maj. Todd Redner, “When the President speaks, I wish American voters would learn to use their ears.”


S. J. Newman is a freelance Creative Director and a certified writer at Comedywire where he heckles current events. See the usual suspects walk the red carpet of shame on his Medium blog, American Perp Walk.



S. J. Newman

Political satire that’s at least as good as the worst of the best. S. J. Newman is a freelance Creative Director.