Son of USMC Vet shares music with the military community

Kristina Miller
AV Magazine
Published in
4 min readJul 2, 2015

by Brittany Slay

Pensacola native, James Adkins, Photo courtesy of James Adkins

AV had the pleasure of hosting award-winning singer/songwriter, James Adkins, at the 2015 Silver Helmet Awards where he brought audience members to their feet with his patriotic rendition of Paul Simon’s “America”. Adkins is no stranger to travel, having grown up as a military brat, he moved around quite a bit, following his father, who served in the US Marine Corps. Unaware that this was not the norm for most kids, James says, “First of all, as I was growing up I didn’t know any other way! That said, there were ups and downs…When I was elementary age we moved almost every year. Whenever we got to a new city I always felt excited to meet new people. Plus, I would imagine all the traveling at a young age set me up for all the traveling I’m doing as a musician.”

James has his father to thank for his skills as traveling musician. Though limited on the time they could spend together because of his father’s service, James says that his dad did whatever he could to spend time with him, instilling good values into his day-to-day life. Eventually, when James was just 6 years old, his dad took time away from flying Cobras to teach him to play guitar. “My brother Garion and I started the guitar at the same time. We had nylon string guitars back then to make it easier on our fingers. I still remember our first songs were “Down in the Valley” and “Hang Down Your Head Tom Dooley.” The first full song that I learned myself would come several years later, “Take Me Home Country Roads”.”

Photo courtesy of Reese Photography

Although James says he enjoys what he does, he frequently considered joining the service, following in the very successful footsteps of his father. “I do mildly regret not going in to this day. As a young child I wanted to be a pilot like my father, but I was forced to change my view when I had to get glasses to correct my vision. At the time, there were no surgeries for bad eyesight. By the beginning of High School, I had begun to take music much more seriously and really decided that music was going to be my career. I still took the military aptitude tests to keep my options open though. I am happy with the way my career is shaping up, but I sometimes think about what it would have been like to serve. My brother Garion is going into the Army National Guard in just a few days! So I’d like to send out a special shoutout to him!”

Photo courtesy of James Adkins

Although Adkins didn’t continue toward a path in military service, he frequently plays at military bases and music events dedicated to serving those who serve. He attributes his success to his father, noting, “I would say the most inspiring thing about my dad is that he always pushed my brother and me to make good decisions and work hard. He made that quite obvious with his commitment to the Marine Corps. We could definitely see that he believed working hard, doing what’s right, and helping others out as much as possible.”

When asked what inspires him to continue playing for the troops, James smirked, “TIPS! [laughs] Just kidding! I really enjoy playing for the troops because they’ve made the choice to limit their freedom to keep the rest of us free and that’s no joke. I know they are pushed extremely hard in what they do. I feel that if I can give back to those men and women by showing them a good time and allowing them to blow off some steam I’m helping make their lives a little easier. I had a great time at the Silver Helmet Awards! I was amazed at the community of people that have committed to helping veterans in our society. Seeing so many of those people in one place was truly an impressive experience.

Adkins with his Americana group, Big Virginia Sky

Adkins keeps busy with a plethora for projects up and down the east coast. “First of all, I’m on the road between Ohio, Florida, and Virginia playing solo and with tons of great musicians. love playing a good song, no matter who wrote it, but there is a special feeling that comes from playing a song you wrote. That brings me to my favorite band, [Bluegrass-inspired Americana/Folk group] Big Virginia Sky. I feel more that blessed to have hooked up with this killer group of musicians.” He can be found at and will continue to travel the military/veteran circuit, performing for civilians and service members alike.

By Brittany Slay, Editor, American Veteran Magazine
Republished with permission)

Brittany Slay is the Editor of American Veteran Magazine and a US Navy veteran, completing a 9 month deployment to Bahrain in 2014. She’s a fan of dark humor and enjoys writing, visiting breweries, and meeting people.

