Meeting voters where they are: everywhere

Using micro-influencers to deliver our message

Allyson Marcus
American Bridge 21st Century
4 min readApr 21, 2022


Want some good news? Singer-songwriter and creator @LoganAlexandraMusic wrote a song just for you.

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Did you learn more about what President Biden is delivering after watching that Reel? Logan is one of the many creators American Bridge 21st Century is working with as part of our influencer program. In her catchy jingle, she seamlessly incorporates positive information about the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law into her content.

This is not the political advertising you’re used to seeing splashed across your TV — so how did we get here?

In conducting extensive studies of the media habits of women in key battleground states, we kept hearing one word over and over — trust. These women reported higher levels of trust in their favorite nonpolitical influencers and podcasters than in traditional news sources or pundits. We also saw that attention from women is increasingly splintered — they’re scrolling through Instagram while watching TV. So to effectively drive our positive economic message, we have to meet voters where they are…which, it turns out, is everywhere.

Using politically-focused creators is now considered common practice for larger political campaigns and organizations. However, using nonpolitical, more niche creators is a newer tactic in this space — even though businesses have been using it for some time. In our program, we work with “micro-influencers” — influencers who have between ~20–100K followers on Instagram and/or TikTok and do not typically post political content — with concentrated audiences in the battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Nevada.

We work with creators to create “bespoke” content — individualized content based on their state incorporating elements of their established brands. After all, that’s why their followers are there — their audience expects a certain type of content. We trust our creators to know what kind of content and messages will work best with their audiences. Since nearly all of these creators are new to developing political content, they all bring fresh perspectives and fun ideas. Working directly with creators also allows us to be more nimble than other mediums, adjusting our messages and responding to issues of the day more quickly.

We work with a wide range of creators — everyone from small business owners to food bloggers, beauty influencers to singer-songwriters. And they’re from all over the country! They love the chance to share the tangible, good things happening in their communities — thanks to President Biden — with their online audiences. You can see this from the amount of love they put into their work.

Check out some fun content from our diverse creators below:

  • Brandon Rumbaugh is a double amputee Marine Corps veteran who was awarded the Purple Heart. Although he’s a registered Republican in Pennsylvania, he knows that President Biden’s efforts supporting small businesses directly impact him as the owner of a small business outside of Pittsburgh. He was immediately up to support efforts aiding both his community and his family.
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  • Autumn, the creator behind @BlackLoveBible — a Black content page — was at first quite skeptical. As a Black woman, she had felt unheard in the political conversation for years. Yet upon learning that she could create an organic script and honest conversation, Autumn agreed to the partnership. Her content has garnered some of the highest engagement of any of our creators.
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  • @ItsBethanyDani shared how to make at-home face mask along with how President Biden’s American Rescue Plan is helping working families get back on their feet.
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