A running list of everyone who’s left the Trump administration since January 2017

From Sally Yates to David Shulkin, and the many, many people in between


TOTAL: 138

White House: 44

Administration: 35 (without additional 46 U.S. attorneys and additional state department staff)

Advisory Councils and Boards: 59

Patrick Kennedy, undersecretary for state management, State Department — 1/26/17

Joyce Ann Barr, assistant secretary of state for administration and consular affairs, State Department — 1/26/17

Michele Bond, assistant secretary of state for administration and consular affairs, State Department — 1/26/17

Gentry O. Smith, ambassador and director of Office of Foreign Missions, State Department — 1/26/17

Sally Yates, acting Attorney General — 1/30/17

Michael Flynn, National Security Adviser — 2/13/17

Edward Price, spokesman, National Security Council, and CIA analyst — 2/14/17

10 members of the President’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders — 2/15/17

Shermichael Singleton, senior adviser, Housing and Urban Development — 2/15/17

Kristie Kenney, counselor, State Department — 2/16/17

Craig Deare, senior director of Western Hemisphere Affairs, National Security Council — 2/17/17

46 U.S. attorneys — 3/10/17

Sid Bowdidge, Office of Technology Transitions, Department of Energy — 3/10/17

Preet Bharara, U.S. attorney, Southern District of New York — 3/11/17

Katie Walsh, deputy chief of staff — 3/30/17

9 members of the Board of Scientific Counselors — 5/5/17

Angella Reid, chief usher — 5/5/17

James Comey, FBI director — 5/9/17

Michael Dubke, communications director — 5/18/17

K.T. McFarland, deputy National Security Adviser — 5/19/17

David Rank, acting U.S. Ambassador to China — 6/6/17

John Thompson, director, U.S. Census Bureau — 6/30/17

Tera Dahl, deputy chief of staff, National Security Council — 7/6/17

Walter Shaub, director, Office of Government Ethics — 7/6/17

Mark Corralo, spokesman, Trump-Russia legal defense team — 7/20/17

Sean Spicer, press secretary — 7/21/17

Rich Higgins, director, Strategic Planning Office, National Security Council — 7/21/17

Marc Kasowitz, lead attorney, Trump-Russia legal defense team — 7/21/17

Michael Short, senior assistant press secretary — 7/25/17

Derek Harvey, Middle East adviser, National Security Council — 7/28/17

Reince Priebus, chief of staff — 7/28/17

Anthony Scaramucci, communications director — 7/31/17

George Gigicos, director of scheduling and advance — 7/31/17

Elizabeth Southerland, director of science and technology, Office of Water, EPA — 8/1/17

Josh Pitock, chief of staff, Vice President’s office — 8/1/17

Ezra Cohen-Watnick, senior director for intelligence, National Security Council — 8/2/17

Manufacturing Council — 8/16/17

Economic Advisory Council — 8/16/17

Carl Icahn, special adviser on regulation — 8/18/17

Steve Bannon, chief strategist — 8/18/17

George Sifakis, director of the Office of Public Liaison — 8/18/17

President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities — 8/18/17

Andy Hemming, director of rapid response — 8/21/17

Sebastian Gorka, National Security aide — 8/25/17

William Bradford, director, Office of Indian Energy, Energy Department — 8/31/17

Javier Palomarez, diversity council — 9/5/17

Keith Schiller, director of Oval Office operations — 9/9/17

Tom Price, secretary of Health and Human Services — 9/29/17

Marc Lotter, press secretary, Vice President’s office — 9/30/17

Chuck Rosenberg, acting administrator, Drug Enforcement Agency — 10/1/17

David Lapan, press secretary, Department of Homeland Security — 10/31/17

Gavin Clarkson, deputy assistant secretary for policy and economic development, Bureau of Indian Affairs — 11/14/17

Jamie Johnson, head of the Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, DHS — 11/17/17

Richard Cordray, director, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau — 11/24/17

Maliz Beams, counselor-reorganization, State Department — 11/27/17

James Schultz, deputy ethics counsel — 11/27/17

Israel Hernandez, senior adviser, Department of Commerce — 12/2017

Simon Edelman, photographer, Department of Energy — 12/7/17

Elizabeth Shackelford, political officer, Mission Somalia, State Department — 12/8/17

Paul Winfree, deputy director of White House Domestic Policy Council and director of budget policy — 12/15/17

John Feeley, ambassador to Panama — 12/27/17 (announced, planned 3/9/18)

Rick Dearborn, deputy White House chief of staff — 1/2018

Jeremy Katz, deputy director National Economic Council — 1/2018

Dina Powell, deputy National Security Adviser — 1/1/18

Kristan King Nevins, chief of staff, Second Lady’s office — 1/4/18

Dennis Meeks, director of domestic policy, Vice President’s office — 1/5/18

Mark Paoletta, chief counsel, Vice President’s office — 1/5/18

Mike Rogers, director, National Security Agency — 1/5/18

Teresa Manning, deputy assistant secretary, Office of Population Affairs, HHS — 1/12/18

9 National Park System Advisory Board Members — 1/15/18

Omarosa Manigault, director of communications, Office of Public Liaison — 1/20/18

Andrew McCabe, deputy director, FBI — 1/29/18

Taylor Weyeneth, chief of staff, ONDCP — 1/31/18

Brenda Fitzgerald, director, CDC — 1/31/18

Susan Phalen, director of external affairs, FEMA — 2/2018

Thomas Shannon, undersecretary of political affairs, State Department — 2/1/18

Rob Porter, White House staff secretary — 2/7/18

David Sorensen, speechwriter, Council on Environmental Quality — 2/9/18

Rachel L. Brand, associate attorney general, Department of Justice — 2/9/18

Currie Gunn, assistant to former Associate Attorney General Rachel Brand, Department of Justice — 2/9/18

George David Banks, special assistant to the President, National Economic Council — 2/13/18

Grace Koh, special assistant to the President for technology, telecommunications and cybersecurity policy, National Economic Council — 2/15/18

Paul McKellips, press secretary, FEMA — 2/15/18

Josh Raffel, senior communications aide, Office of American Innovation — 2/27/18

Hope Hicks, communications director — 2/28/18

Gary Cohn, director of the National Economic Council — 3/7/18

Rex Tillerson, secretary of state — 3/13/18

Andrew McCabe, FBI deputy director — 3/16/18

David Shulkin, Secretary of Veterans Affairs — 3/28/18

