All eyes on Georgia (again)

How we’re making the difference in the Georgia Senate runoff

Allyson Marcus
American Bridge 21st Century
3 min readDec 6, 2022


For the past two years, it feels like Georgia has been at the center of the political universe: from President Biden flipping the state blue for the first time in decades to the down-to-the-wire historic runoff wins in 2021 that delivered the Senate majority to Democrats. American Bridge was proud to play a part in those wins, and this cycle, American Bridge hit the ground running to help send Reverend Raphael Warnock back to the Senate so that he can continue delivering real results for Georgia.

Starting in the summer of 2021, we began running TV, radio, and digital ads to reach independent women in Georgia’s suburban, rural and exurban areas. These ads highlighted how President Biden and the American Rescue Plan were helping small business owners get back on their feet and get the economy moving. Our programs grew and evolved over the cycle, including adding a robust micro-influencer component to reach more Georgia women with nonpolitical messengers they trust.

In the final weeks of the general election campaign, we released two radio ads targeting faith-based voters — Pastor Cynthia and Janis. Pastor Cynthia has been a faith leader for 36 years, while Janis is the granddaughter of a Southern Baptist minister. They both shared the same message: we can forgive Herschel Walker, but we do not have to vote for him. We knew how critical the faith community would be in deciding this election, and these ads gave Georgians a permission structure to vote against him in the general and runoff elections.

American Bridge knows how to win runoff elections in Georgia, and we were ready to go immediately when the runoff was announced this time, too. Looking at data from the 2021 runoff and early data from the 2022 general election, we knew that it was critical for voters outside of the Atlanta market to hear how dangerous Herschel Walker is — and we went all in right away. We were the first Democratic allied group to hit the airwaves with TV and radio spots across the state, featuring real Georgia women sharing the many reasons why they believe Herschel Walker does not deserve to represent them — highlighting his “pathological” lies, hypocrisy on abortion, and family struggles.

We also activated a large number of Black creators across Georgia to share, in their own words, why they are voting for Senator Warnock and share information on how it is safe and easy to vote early and on Election Day.

Instagram Post

American Bridge used our experience in-state to fight for this critical hold for the Democratic Senate majority. We know what it takes to compete — and win — in Georgia. And we’ll do it again Tuesday night.

