Sure it was debate week, but down-ballot GOP candidates still did a lot of crazy sh*t

Climate change isn’t real, there’s fentanyl in abortion pills, and once again the GOP is trying to figure out how to deal with early voting

Philip Shulman
American Bridge 21st Century
2 min readAug 25, 2023


Kentucky’s biggest bully Daniel Cameron is trying to apologize for demonizing educators, AG candidates are saying things that show how unfit they are for office, and there are some new ads out in the Mississippi governor’s race — this is the state of the states.


Daniel Cameron spent the week apologizing to teachers for the GOP putting a target on their back; Cameron has spent his campaign demonizing teachers to the point that the education commissioner resigned. And Freedom Fest — the annual event held by perpetual Republican candidate Eric Deters — is apparently back on after Trump agreed to provide a video recording. Cameron was bullied out of the event by Rep. Thomas Massie after stories of Deters’ racist rhetoric came to light — Cameron blamed his “schedule” for dropping out of the event.


In response to a groundbreaking environmental lawsuit, Attorney General Austin Knudsen denied the negative impact humans are having on climate change.


Liz Murill was caught saying that fentanyl is being put into abortion pills — with zero evidence. Because there is none.


Southern Majority released two new ads highlighting how Governor Tate Reeves has given out cushy political appointments in exchange for massive campaign donations.


Siobhan Dunnavant seems to be trying to appease moderate and Trump voters as she bounces between casting aspersions on early voting and accepting them as available voting options.

