Trump’s Broken Promises

Emily Aden
American Bridge 21st Century
5 min readApr 28, 2017

Donald Trump spent an entire campaign making grand promises. He hasn’t kept most of them.

For someone who built a reputation on “making deals,” all Trump seems to have done with his time in office is back down from, back away from and walk back the things he promised to do on the campaign trail.

Trump is selling out Americans, whether it’s through a health care plan that would leave 24 million without any insurance or by failing to meet the projected job growth for the month of March.

“You’re going to end up with great health care for a fraction of the price and that’s gonna take place immediately after we go in. Okay? Immediately. Fast. Quick.” — Donald Trump in Las Vegas

Trumpcare failed to reach the House floor

House leaders pulled the bill after it was clear it wasn’t going to get enough votes to pass, thanks to defections by both the moderate and ultra conservative wings of the Republican party, along with Democratic resistance.

“Trump told a gathering of conservatives last month that Obamacare ‘covers very few people,’ reminding the audience that many people lost the insurance plan they loved because of the health reform law. He has vowed to do better, promising ‘insurance for everybody.’

Trumpcare would take health care away from 24 million people

The original version of the bill, as it was proposed, would have left 24 million people uninsured by 2026 — with about 14 million of those coming within a year’s time, according to the Congressional Budget Office, a non-partisan government entity.

New iterations of Trumpcare could leave even more people uninsured, according to estimates.

“I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me, and I’ll build them very inexpensively, I will build a great, great wall on our southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.” — Donald Trump Announcement Speech

American taxpayers will pay for the wall

The White House put a nearly $1 billion request in its budget for border wall funding that would build a mere 48 miles of new wall along the 1,954-mile Mexican border.

“I would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done. I would not be a president who took vacations. I would not be a president that takes time off… You don’t have time to take time off.” — Donald Trump, 6/23/15

Spent one in five minutes as president at Palm Beach

The Washington Post tallied all the time Trump spent in Palm Beach — about 424.5 hours total. He’s spent about 1,663.5 hours everywhere else, including travel to Mar-a-Lago, which the Post calculates adds an additional 21 hours.

“I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created.” — Donald Trump, announcement speech

75,434 Americans have been notified of layoffs and plant closings since Trump took office

State job losses include:

  • Ohio: 6,688
  • Michigan: 3,519
  • Indiana: 3,265
  • Florida: 4,415
  • Georgia: 2,802
  • New Jersey: 3,172

Trump also totally missed the mark when it came to expected job growth, failing to hit the numbers predicted for March.

“And you’re going to be doing pipelines now, you know that, right? We put you heavy into the pipeline business because we approved, as you know, the Keystone pipeline and Dakota, but they have to buy, meaning steel, so I’ll say U.S. steel, but steel made in this country and pipelines made in this country.” — Donald Trump to United States Steel CEO Mario Longhi

Keystone XL Pipeline exempt from buying American steel

Trump’s January directive only applies to new pipelines being built, and the Keystone pipeline is already under construction, according to a White House spokeswoman.

Restrict lobbyist with the Trump pledge which says: executive appointees cannot “participate in any particular matter on which I lobbied … or participate in the specific issue area in which that particular matter falls.”- Trump Executive Order, 1/28/17

Trump granted waivers for lobbyists to get around the pledge

Trump made it easier for former lobbyists now working in the government to get waivers that could let them work on matters related to former clients. It is unclear how many waivers have been issued.

Trump promised to “remove” himself from his businesses, turn them over to his adult children and outline how he would avoid conflicts of interest.

Trump didn’t divest from his businesses and can draw income from them at any time

Trump put his business empire into a trust controlled by his adult sons, but didn’t sell his holdings. Trump’s lawyer confirmed he can withdraw profits from the trust at any time. The Trump Organization will not release the full trust agreement.

“You know, I tweeted today, @realDonaldTrump. I tweet… Don’t worry, I’ll give it up after I’m president. We won’t tweet anymore. I don’t know. Not presidential.” — Donald Trump

Trump hasn’t stopped using Twitter



Emily Aden
American Bridge 21st Century

Rapid response for @American_Bridge | Alum of @HillaryClinton | @TerryMcAuliffe | @HouseMajPAC & many more.