American Odyssey in the Media

Who’s talking about me and my work?

Subcomandante X
American Odyssey
6 min readMar 26, 2019



Atomwaffen Division

Subcomandante X, an independent researcher of the far-right, is typically one of the first to report on the activities of extreme-right groups like Atomwaffen.

Atomwaffen Division — Germany

The Daily Stormer

Fascist Forge

In December, three members of [Sonnenkrieg Division] were arrested in England on suspicion of terrorism offences. A few weeks later several SKD propaganda images were shared on the site, as highlighted by an open source researcher known as Subcomandante X.

The far-right open-source researcher Subcomandante X has documented its activities which include calls from users to take direct action for their cause, such as through radicalising school children, infiltrating left-wing groups and psychologically grooming individuals with a proclivity of violence on other online forums.

[Fascist Forge’s] takedown comes after recent media attention — an in-depth post by independent far-right researcher Subcomandante X, a VICE investigation, a write-up by the ADL, and a recent story focusing on the site’s British radicalization efforts.

Well-known open source researcher on the far-right, known as Subcomandante X,(who published his own reports on Fascist Forge) told VICE he, too, has seen familiar user accounts from other online, neo-Nazi militant ecosystems.

  • Scrivens, Ryan, Amanda I. Osuna, Steven M. Chermak, Michael A. Whitney. “Examining Online Indicators of Extremism in Violent Right-Wing Extremist Forums” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 46, no. 11 (May 2021): 1–25.

Feuerkrieg Division

Researcher Subcomandante X released an article on the Feuerkrieg Division, an international group of accelerationist neo-Nazis who have recently began expanding to the United States. The group recently flyered the Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church in Spokane, Washington. In its propaganda materials, the group mimics neo-Nazi group Atomwaffen Division, which has linked to five murders and attempted bombings.

National Socialist Liberation Front

Patrick Little

Of course this isn’t the only “It’s Okay To Be White” march that white supremacists have been holding. As Subcomandante X wrote in an article for Medium, these marches were the brainchild of Neo-Nazi loser Patrick Little, who instructed people to duct tape their mouths and hold signs or wear clothes saying “It’s Okay To Be White.”

Sonnenkrieg Division



Subcomandante X
American Odyssey

Open source researcher focused on far-right extremism.