Atomwaffen Division — Germany Announces Preparations for ‘Last Long Fight’ in Latest Video

The Atomwaffen Division organization has expanded to Germany, according to a video uploaded in early June 2018. In the video, AWD-Germany tells its American counterparts that it is preparing for a “last, long fight.”

Subcomandante X
American Odyssey
4 min readJun 2, 2018


Update on July 19, 2018: For the sake of transparency, the author has included official German government correspondence about the alleged creation of Atomwaffen Division-Germany.

Update on November 8, 2018: Atomwaffen Division — Germany may have left propaganda in a university library in Berlin. More information below.

On June 1, 2018, the Bitchute channel of Atomwaffen Division (AWD) uploaded a video titled, “AWD DEUTSCHLAND: DIE MESSER WERDEN SCHON GEWETZT!” (English: “AWD GERMANY: THE KNIVES ARE ALREADY SHARPENED!”)

In the nearly one minute video, a masked bilingual man speaks about the power of national socialism, AWD-Germany’s preparations for a “long, final battle” that will apparently come “soon,” and expresses solidarity with American members of the terrorist organization.

Screenshots of the Atomwaffen Division video uploaded on June 1, 2018.

The video is split into two parts: one where the spokesperson talks in German, and another where he speaks English. What follows is a transcript of that video, which includes a rough English translation of the first half.

German half:

“Der Nationalsozialismus lebt trotz einer ganzen Welt, die ihn zerstören will. Und das zeigt uns deutlich seine tiefe unerschütterliche Kraft. Deustche Freiheitskämpfer folgt der Atomwaffendivision. Wir bereiten uns auf den langen, letzten Kampf in Trümmern vor, der bald kommen wird. Die Messer werden schon gewetzt!”

Translated (German -> English):

“National Socialism lives despite a whole world that wants to destroy it. And that clearly shows us its profound unshakeable power. German freedom fighters follow the Atomwaffen Division. We are preparing for the long, final battle in ruins that will come soon. The knives are already sharpened!”

English half:

“And to our true comrades of Atomwaffen Division in the United States, greetings from Germany. Also here, we prepare for the last, long fight, soon to come. Sieg heil!”

Screenshots of the Atomwaffen Division video uploaded on June 1, 2018.

The extremist video was also shared in a Gab group called “Read SIEGE,” which currently has over 330 members.

Norman Spear is also the leader of a white nationalist-survivalist network called The Base.

The video suggests that AWD is growing despite the incarceration of its leader, Brandon Russell, and ProPublica’s extensive investigations of its membership. The expansion is also likely a consequence of the fragmentation of the alt-right movement, which may lead to a renewed resurgence of violent far-right organizations in the West.

As of July 19, the Bitchute video had over 5,200 views, 48 comments, and 17 likes. View a copy of the message below on Vimeo: *

July 19 Update: On June 28, several members of the Bundestag (German parliament) inquired about the federal government’s awareness of and response to AWD-Germany. A total of eighteen questions were asked in the letter.

However, on July 11, federal authorities responded to the communication but seemed unable to substantially answer most of the questions. Please keep in mind that the above is based on the author’s rough English translation of the correspondence. Readers are encouraged to read the letters for themselves.

November 8 Update:

* Disclaimer: The author of this article uploaded a copy of the abovementioned Atomwaffen Division video for educational and academic purposes only. The author does not belong to, is not related to, nor is sympathetic to Atomwaffen Division, its members, or white supremacy.



Subcomandante X
American Odyssey

Open source researcher focused on far-right extremism.