[Brief] Neo-Nazi Group Issues Death Threat to YouTube CEO

After a controversial purge of hateful content on YouTube, the Feuerkrieg Division group has called for violence against YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki.

Subcomandante X
American Odyssey
2 min readJun 6, 2019


On June 5, 2019, the Gab account of Feuerkrieg Division (FKD) — a neo-Nazi organization heavily inspired by the murderous Atomwaffen Divisionposted a gruesome image of YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki being hung by a man. The image was posted in retaliation for a recent purge of hate content on the video sharing site, which appears to have significantly affected FKD.

In broken English, FKD wrote that YouTube “took down many of our comrades’ YT channels” and those of other hateful content creators.

Posted on Gab, June 6, 2019. Black rectangle on the right side added by Subcomandante X. Message me on Twitter for the unedited picture.

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Subcomandante X
American Odyssey

Open source researcher focused on far-right extremism.