[Brief] FKD Activity Detected at University of California, Santa Barbara

Subcomandante X
American Odyssey
Published in
3 min readNov 26, 2019

On November 25, the Feuerkrieg Division (FKD)’s Telegram channel uploaded nine photos of leafleting activity committed by a “recruit in California.” Many of the flyers call for violence against law enforcement officials and “bureaucrats,” as well as call on readers to join the group.

One flyer, in particular, contains a reference to Robert Bowers, the damned author of the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre.

After closely examining the photographs, I believe they were taken at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB).

The letters “UCSB” are visible in the top half of the following photo… and the first Google search result for that acronym is UC Santa Barbara’s homepage.

Additionally, a sign in one of the photos, seen below, mentions “Santa Barbara scientists” and “staff, students, alumni.” The sign also appears to be about the University of California system’s Million LED Challenge, a “statewide effort to procure high-quality, energy-efficient light sources,” according to the project’s website.

Another photograph shows an FKD flyer pasted on top of four other posters. It appears one of those posters is for a music event called, “A Tuba to Cuba: Preservation Hall Jazz Band,” which was held at UCSB on November 21.

Source: https://artsandlectures.ucsb.edu/Details.aspx?PerfNum=4167

Finally, in a follow-up message on November 26, FKD claimed that law enforcement was aware of the “UCSB flyering campaign.”

“Police reports taken, no public statements by them or university…I [the member responsible] will do another pass by tomorrow to check on them, but chances are they’ve been cleaned up by now,” FKD wrote.

UCSB is the latest university to be leafleted by FKD. In early October, FKD’s Telegram channel released photos of flyers posted at the University of North Florida (UNF). As the UNF Spinnaker reported, the leafleting activity was condemned by student groups, university police, and the school administration.

Photos shared on FKD’s Telegram channel on October 10, 2019.

And on October 30, FKD uploaded multiple photos of leafleting activity in the Netherlands.

One of the flyers, seen in the following image, was posted on a sign belonging to De Leijgraaf, a regional college system in southern Netherlands, according to its Facebook page.




Subcomandante X
American Odyssey

Open source researcher focused on far-right extremism.