Black and Brown Georgians Deserve Sheriffs and District Attorneys that Hold Police Accountable

America Votes
America Votes
Published in
4 min readJun 23, 2020

Thousands of Georgians have filled the streets demanding action in the wake of the murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Rayshard Brooks, and every other Black person killed by police — those whose names we know and those who we will never know. We’re saying with one voice that we will not stop fighting until the system that allows for the repeated killings of Black people by police with impunity is uprooted and fundamentally changed.

We understand that every time a person of color is murdered in cold blood by racial or police violence, it sends a message to our communities that our lives are in danger, or worse, that they don’t matter. The relentless trauma and outrage after each incident are now compounded by the threat of coronavirus, which is disproportionately impacting African American and Latinx communities.

Our coalition is made up of grassroots organizations who are fighting for Georgia to reach its full potential. We joined together with a shared vision of our state as a place where a zip code doesn’t determine a person’s future trajectory, where law enforcement and the criminal justice system are focused on restoration and community building, and where Black and brown people are able to enjoy equally the shared resources and opportunities available in their communities without fear of retribution, vilification, or harm. Above all, we’re fighting for a Georgia where police officers are held fully accountable for their actions and know that no one is above the law, especially those who swear to protect and serve. We know that while voting is not the sole solution to the issues we face, it is a key strategy in bringing change to our communities.

While much electoral talk is focused on presidential and congressional races, we understand just how much down-ballot elections impact the everyday lives of Georgia residents. For the primary election, in trying to determine the places where we could help drive the greatest impact, we developed detailed voter guide scorecards to help the voters of Cobb and Gwinnett counties choose the Sheriffs and District Attorneys that align with their values. These scorecards are based on information gathered from candidates’ websites, candidate forums, and responses to several questionnaires, and they are intended to paint a picture about the kind of leadership we might expect in these critical positions of law enforcement.

The recent headlines about the untimely and deplorable murder of Ahmaud Arbery — and the delayed arrest of his killers — in Brunswick underscore just how much leadership matters in not only ensuring that justice can be served but in upholding the full force of the laws for all, not just a select few, people in this state. The coalition that produced and disseminated the scorecards include the Asian American Advocacy Fund, GALEO Impact Fund, Georgia Equality, Georgia NAACP, Black Male Voter Project, Working Families Party, ACLU of Georgia, and GLAHR Action Network — all organizations aimed at advancing and improving the lives of marginalized Georgians.

We evaluated candidates on a number of critical issues, including:

  • Whether to end voluntary cooperation with the Trump Administration’s immigration authorities, including the 287(g) program and detainer requests
  • Use of solitary confinement in the jails, which has been linked to tragic deaths by suicide in Cobb and Gwinnett County facilities
  • Decreasing incarceration, particularly at a point in which the COVID-19 crisis has made jails even more dangerous

But our work doesn’t end with the primary. No matter who wins the runoffs and proceeds to the general election, we will continue holding them accountable for the policies they uphold and putting pressure on them to meet the demands of Georgians of color.

We saw the challenges that Coronavirus and a lack of preparation for it impacted the primary election, from shifting primary dates to the rapid rollout of absentee ballots and the utter chaos Georgians experienced at the polls on June 9th. Now more than ever it is critical to protect and expand the right to vote, not allow widespread voter suppression to run rampant. The will of the Georgia voters is strong and it’s far past time that their barriers to the ballot box are removed.

With the runoffs rapidly approaching in August, it is our hope that Georgia voters — understanding the gravity of this moment — will take every effort to safely participate in the elections. The stakes are too high to sit the runoffs out, but the safety and well-being of Georgia’s residents continue to be front of mind for all our organizations.

We firmly believe that one of the best ways to reshape our prospects for equity and opportunity in this state is by exercising our right to vote and selecting candidates who align with our values. Sheriffs and District Attorneys play a critical role in impacting the overall viability of our communities, and this election, we hope to see the residents of Cobb and Gwinnett counties select leaders who truly represent their interests and stand hand in hand with them to ensure their needs are met.

This joint op-ed was released by ACLU of Georgia, Asian American Advocacy Fund, Black Male Voter Project, GALEO Impact Fund, New Georgia Project Action Fund, and the Working Families Party.



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