Inspiration, pride, gratitude and hope

American Family Insurance
Published in
3 min readJan 29, 2021

By Leslie Bradley, American Family Insurance Inclusive Excellence Strategy Director

As I reflect on the importance of celebrating Black History Month, I think about the impact my journey has on who I am today.

Leslie Bradley is the Inclusive Excellence Strategy Director for American Family Insurance.

I grew up in rural Virginia and was fortunate to be exposed to various backgrounds and cultures through my family and surrounding community. More importantly, my parents instilled in my sisters and me sound morals, strong ethics, and enduring values that included love, courage, strength and respect.

We were always told that we could be and do anything we wanted regardless of the color of our skin or gender.

My family’s encouragement also inspired me to travel, which afforded me an opportunity to experience and immerse myself in cultures completely different from my own. As part of my military, personal and professional life, I have had the pleasure of residing abroad, including living in Germany, Italy, Japan and Korea. It was during those times that I met and learned from some amazing people whose interactions, differences and enriching cultural competencies not only taught me a lot about myself but helped shape me into who I am today.

Gratitude for those who came before us

My family inspired me to be proud of my rich diverse heritage and dream beyond our rural Virginia town, beyond race and gender and reach to new heights.

My husband and I are raising our children with the same limitless potential and values, encouraging them to be strong, resilient, kind, inclusive and open to various opportunities and experiences.

I believe Black History Month provides everyone the opportunity to truly celebrate the history and heritage of Black and African-American people. We can all do our part to:

  • Acknowledge Black and African-American peoples’ integral role in society, as well as their struggles and contributions — both past and present.
  • Advocate for and amplify the accomplishments that Black and African-American people have made and continue to make in business, science, education, social justice and the political fabric of our country.
  • Express deep gratitude to those who came before us and paved the way so our road might be a little less bumpy.
  • Celebrate and blaze new trails of opportunity — for what we create today impacts the history of tomorrow.

Inspiring the next generation

When I think about sacrifices, contributions and impacts on the world, I continue to have a heightened sense of awareness, optimism and hope for our future.

As a leader, parent and community member, it is my responsibility to help bring more voices into the inclusion conversation to accelerate progress on the diversity front, educate and cultivate the next generation of leaders.

My hope is that as we recognize Black History Month, we can come together as a engaged community with a deepened sense of commitment to humanity, unity, equity and inclusion.

Employees Hollie Carter, Rondale Dunn, Vanessa Jackson, Seth Pearson, Rhonda McClung and Gedra Square express pride in being African-American and share how they feel supported by American Family’s efforts to promote inclusion.

Dreamers change the world

At American Family Insurance, we’re dedicated to protecting dreamers who have — and will — change the world. Every dream achieved builds your legacy. And we’re here to inspire and support you on your journey. We’re honoring the stories of fearless dreamers who have shaped our past, will shape our future, and hope they inspire you to keep dreaming fearlessly. Watch their stories here.



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American Family Insurance is committed to inspire and help you discover, pursue and protect your dreams. #DreamFearlessly