How to Create a Cryptocurrency Wallet



A crypto wallet is the first thing you need before you start to interact with the applications in the crypto environment.

MetaMask is the most popular wallet, it is very user-friendly, and it can be accessed through a web browser extension or downloaded as a mobile application.

Step 1: download the MetaMask wallet

Access “” and click “Download”. You can choose to use it as an extension on Google Chrome, Firefox, Brave or Edge or use it as an app on iOS or Android.

Step 2: MetaMask configuration

After downloading it, open MetaMask and click on “Get Started.”

You can either import an existing wallet or create a new one.

Step 3: creating a wallet

The first thing you need to do is create a strong password. Use capital letters, symbols and numbers to strengthen it.

Step 4: safely secure the secret recovery phrase

Some call it “seed phrase.”


  1. 1. Every wallet has a 12-word recovery phrase. It is the only way to recover your wallet in case of device crash, browser deletion or password loss. It is highly recommended that you write down these words on a piece of paper and store it safely somewhere you know no one else can have access to it. You can use a password manager as well. MetaMask recommends 1Password. Note: if you lose your secret recovery phrase, MetaMask can’t help you recover your wallet and your funds will be lost forever.
  2. 2. Do not share your secret recovery phrase. Any person that has it can freely steal your funds.

Step 5: security phrase confirmation

Now you need to confirm your phrase in the order it was originally shown. When you are done, click “Confirm.”

Congratulations! Your MetaMask is now set to be used!

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