The ZuckBots: An Unexpected Alliance

My Pet Hooligan™
AMGI Studios & My Pet Hooligan
5 min readMay 15, 2023


Since the great rabbit uprising that rallied the Hooligans to freedom after years of captivity at ZuckCorp, things are heating up in Hooliland. No longer forced by the dastardly Meta ZuckBot to farm Karrots for eternity, these bunnies are ready to wreak havoc — starting with a heist, led by the intrepid Hooli, to break out the ZuckBots that are being assembled by the hundreds at the corporate tyrant’s shadowy fortress.

To no one’s surprise, Hooli’s harebrained plan only got the gang as far as breaking into the building. Meta ZuckBot quickly retaliated, ordering his army of ZuckBots to chase after them and deploying even more across Hooliland to seize all Hooligans in sight. That is, until a handful of ZuckBots, apparently hacked by an unknown ally, suddenly showed up to rescue the Hooligans from certain doom.

All’s well that ends well, but don’t forget: most of the ZuckBots are still under Meta ZuckBot’s control, serving his tyrannical plans for all of web3. Keep reading to learn more about the good, the bad and the ugly of these powerful machines.

Are ZuckBots Frens or Foes?

ZuckBots are deadly surveillance robots that are being mass-produced by the mysterious Meta ZuckBot in a restricted area of the ZuckCorp building. Programmed to execute Meta ZuckBot’s every command, they guard ZuckCorp and are often found patrolling Hooliland, ready to stop any Hooligan they happen to find attempting to rebel against the tyrant’s regime.

There are seven known types of ZuckBots. In the aftermath of Hooli’s half-baked heist, some ZuckBots were found to have been secretly reprogrammed to defend Hooligans from the rest of Meta ZuckBot’s battalion, with the lucky rabbits receiving aid from three factions of these friendly robots: the OGs, QTs and L3GZ. Hooli himself also wound up making friends with an OG named Zucky 5001, who almost made it inside “The Crusher” that would destroy the ZuckBots captured by Hooli during the heist.

Each of these ZuckBot factions has its own distinct characteristics and abilities that will help the Hooligans in their battle to save Hooliland and the rest of web3 from Meta ZuckBot. As a champion of My Pet Hooligan, you can fight hand in hand with good ZuckBots and have them back you up as you attack the bad ones or protect your turf from the devious hijinks of other Hooligan factions.

ZuckBot Factions: OGs, QTs and L3GZ

ZuckBots come in various forms and sizes, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, but their main method of attack is to shoot high-powered lasers that can obliterate most things into smithereens. This makes them very dangerous if you don’t know where their loyalties lie. Thankfully, it’s pretty easy to tell friendly ZuckBots from the ones controlled by Meta ZuckBot. The bad ones generally have the same white chassis and all their original parts, while good ZuckBots tend to have modifications and makeshift upgrades like flashy paint jobs and offbeat attachments (also known as having a personality, ZuckCorp’s greatest source of outrage).

To effectively fight alongside or against ZuckBots, it’s important to understand their abilities and limitations. For example, some ZuckBots are equipped with heavy armor, while others are more agile and can evade attacks faster. There are even ZuckBots that can fly, like QTs, which may be small but are a terrible force to be reckoned with.

Here’s what we know about the three ZuckBot factions we’ve met so far:


The “original gangsters” of the ZuckBot factions, the OGs were the first model created by ZuckCorp and are as dangerous as their name suggests. With their strong grippers and reliable build, these ruthless machines are Meta ZuckBot’s first choice for capturing any lawless Hooligan who gets in his way. Because they hover above the ground, OGs can reach targets pretty easily, although their thick shells also add to their weight and can slow them down in more unpredictable terrain.


Known for their long legs and turbocharged jumping skills, L3GZ are towering ZuckBots whose heavy footsteps you can hear from a mile away. They can travel far in a short amount of time, and their strong moves make them hard to fight against. With forceful kicks that will send you straight off the face of the earth, these ZuckBots make both formidable enemies and impressive allies. Their only weakness? Tripping hazards.


A smaller model compared to OGs, QTs are known for their ability to fly high above ground and fit in small spaces. They may seem cute and they may not take damage well, but they’re as dangerous during combat as other types of ZuckBots. For one, QTs are fast and sneaky, which makes them a tough target. They’re also powerful enough to carry loads twice their weight from one place to another. They’re not necessarily great at it, though — unless it’s a Hooligan.

Beat ZuckCorp at Its Own Game!

ZuckCorp spent a long time making a game out of exploiting Hooligans, but these rabbits are done being the prey. Now that they’ve reclaimed their freedom, they are fighting back to overthrow Meta ZuckBot’s soulless corporate machine — with the help of none other than his own killing machines.

Ready to join the fight? To win in combat against bad ZuckBots, you can develop strategies and team up with Hooligans from all factions to coordinate attacks and take advantage of each other’s unique abilities and weaponry. These merciless ZuckBots add an extra challenge to the movement, but with the help of the OGs, QTs and L3GZ that are now on the Hooligans’ side of the fray, they aren’t impossible to beat. With these new frens to learn from about the weaknesses of the enemy, we can all rise up to take back Hooliland from the clutches of the wicked Meta ZuckBot.

We might be meeting the other ZuckBot factions soon, so keep those ears perked up and stay tuned for announcements on the My Pet Hooligan website, Discord and Twitter.

For more information about AMGI Studios, visit its website, YouTube and Twitter.

And always remember: Don’t count your Karrots before they’re harvested. Especially when you don’t know who planted them . . .



My Pet Hooligan™
AMGI Studios & My Pet Hooligan

Join the Hooligans as they defend web3 from the nefarious corporate tyrant, Meta ZuckBot!