WinVote: The Ultimate Tool for Seamless On-Chain Governance

AMGI Studios™
AMGI Studios & My Pet Hooligan
5 min readAug 28, 2024


Introducing WinVote

In pursuit of excellence in decentralized governance, AMGI Studios has created a new tool to simplify on-chain governance, which is currently in Alpha and will start its trial with the Karrat Foundation this week. WinVote is designed to set new standards in on-chain governance.

WinVote, developed by AMGI Studios, was created specifically to address challenges faced in the industry. Offering unparalleled customization, speed, and seamless integration, WinVote is poised to become a market leader in facilitating on-chain governance. Early feedback from external teams have been overwhelmingly positive, underscoring WinVote’s potential to empower organizations with unprecedented customization and efficiency in their governance processes.

The Goal of WinVote

Our primary objective with WinVote is to become a market leader in decentralized governance tools. The space of DAO governance is rapidly evolving, with an increasing demand for tools that can handle complex and bespoke governance structures, automate processes, and integrate seamlessly with multiple blockchain networks.

  • Market Leadership: By focusing on user experience, customization, and seamless integration, we aim to position WinVote as the go-to tool for communities across various industries. AMGI Studios will be pitching WinVote to existing and upcoming projects as the premier solution for facilitating on-chain governance.
  • Decentralization and Security: WinVote is built with a focus on true decentralization and security, ensuring that all governance actions are fully on-chain and tamper-proof.

Challenges with existing governance tools that WinVote aims to address

  • Limited customization: Existing platforms offered minimal customization options, making it difficult to adapt to specific and bespoke governance needs.
  • High customization costs: Customization often required significant financial investment, which becomes increasingly prohibitive as needs grow.
  • Slow development turnaround: Implementing custom features can take extended periods of time, delaying critical governance actions and reducing operational efficiency.
  • Complex automation: Basic automation capabilities, often requiring manual intervention to execute more complex governance processes.
  • Efficiency in scaling: As organizations expand, tools need to be suitable for our evolving requirements.

The Benefits of WinVote

  • Enhanced Customization: WinVote offers extensive customization without the prohibitive costs or long wait times, providing organizations with the flexibility they need to manage their unique governance structures effectively. Thresholds, voting periods and proposal types are customizable.
  • Intuitive UX/UI: One of WinVote’s standout features is its user-friendly interface. The design prioritizes simplicity, making it easy for users to navigate and understand the community’s process as they go through it, ensuring that even those new to decentralized governance can participate effectively.
  • Automation Without Mediation: WinVote automates processes seamlessly, eliminating the need for a mediator. Triggers for specific actions can be set up to activate automatically based on predefined criteria, streamlining governance operations.
  • Integration with the $KARRAT: Access to WinVote is secured through a license that utilizes $KARRAT as an ode of recognition to the role that the $KARRAT ecosystem played in inspiring the development of WinVote. Communities and organizations wishing to license WinVote will need to do so via $KARRAT.

How to Delegate Voting Power and Submit a Proposal on WinVote — using KARRATco as an example

Step 1: Delegating Voting Power

Before you can create or vote on a proposal within the KARRATco, you need to ensure you have enough voting power. Here’s how to delegate $KARRAT to yourself or request delegations from your peers:

Access the Delegation Portal:

Option 1. Self-Delegate

  • If you want to delegate voting power to yourself, click on the “Self Delegate” button.
  • Confirm your selection, and the system will allocate your $KARRAT as voting power, provided you meet the proposal threshold.

Option 2. Request Delegations:

  • If you don’t have enough $KARRAT to meet the proposal threshold, you can request delegations from your peers.
  • Click on “Ask for delegations” and share your request within the community. The help text available will guide you through this process, making it easier to gather support.

Step 2: Submitting a Proposal

Once you have enough delegated voting power, you can proceed to create and submit a proposal:

1. Choose Proposal Type:

  • Constitutional Proposals:
    - Process Modifications: Changes to the DAO’s processes.
    - Protocol Upgrades: Adjustments to the underlying smart contracts.
  • Non-Constitutional Proposals:
    - Funding Requests: Proposals seeking funding for projects or initiatives.
    - Informational: Proposals that provide information or suggest actions without making formal changes.

2. Submit the Proposal

  • Once you’ve selected your proposal type, click “Submit”.
  • Follow the help text for detailed instructions on completing the proposal submission process. The system’s user-friendly interface will guide you through each step, ensuring you understand the implications of your proposal.

3. Wait for Voting:

  • After submission, your proposal will enter a voting period. Voting will be on-chain via the WinVote interface. Ensure you stay engaged with the community to discuss and promote your proposal for successful passage.


WinVote, offers a streamlined and intuitive process for delegation, proposal submission and voting. With the help of integrated guidance, even new users can easily navigate the complexities of DAO governance. Look forward to more as WinVote continues to be built out further.



AMGI Studios™
AMGI Studios & My Pet Hooligan

A web3 entertainment company with deep experience in animation and gaming. The studio behind leading web3 game My Pet Hooligan™ (MPH)