A Message from Amici’s Board Chair: Kyle Magee

Kyle (second from left) and his teammates at Canoe Heads for Kids 2018

Over the past few years, Amici’s volunteer Board of Directors have spent many evenings and weekends helping Amici navigate the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, participating in two virtual Canoe Heads, supporting a dramatic (but temporary!) change to Amici’s Campership Program and responsibly stewarding your generous donations. Throughout this period, the Board was guided by the consistent and impressive leadership of Duncan Robertson and we are very grateful for his contributions.

As a former camper and counsellor, father to two current campers and a long-time supporter of the power of camp, it was a great honour to be elected to follow Duncan as the Chair of the Board of Directors this past January. I know first hand the power of camp and its ability to influence and change young lives. Over the next two years, I look forward to working with Amici’s impressive and dedicated staff and volunteers. I also look forward to getting to know many of you better, and working with you to find new and meaningful ways to deepen the impact of Amici’s program on children facing financial need.

As summer 2022 approaches, we know that overnight camp is more important than ever. There is no doubt that kids who have spent the last two summers (and much of the school year) indoors, in front of screens or stuck at home in the City will benefit from time spent in nature with friends. As you all know, camp teaches optimism, resilience, problem solving and social skills. Amici believes that these important life skills are even more valuable now as our kids emerge from the pandemic. Most importantly, however, is that camp is simply fun and Amici’s campers deserve to have fun as much as anyone!

Amici’s goal is to make overnight camp a reality for as many kids facing financial and social barriers as possible. To that end, we are thrilled that Amici’s 45 partner camps will all be welcoming campers in just a couple of months’ time. Rest assured that Amici’s staff, Board, and volunteers are all dedicated, passionate and working hard to ensure summer 2022 is a success. We simply can’t wait to be able to send all of our campers back to their summer homes!

Of course, we are continually grateful for your support. Thanks to you, hundreds of children will be returning to camp this summer to have the time of their lives. Amici’s program would simply not be possible without the support of the many donors, sponsors, partner camps, volunteers and friends that make up its amazing community.

The past two years have reminded us of the power of teamwork and the depth of the camp community. It is thanks to your ongoing and tenacious support that summer 2022 promises to be incredible for so many deserving kids.

I hope you will enjoy reading Amici’s Gratitude Report 2021: Better Together knowing you have each played an integral role in making the lives of hundreds of Amici campers better with the gift of camp.

With Gratitude,

Kyle Magee, Chair of Amici’s Board of Directors



Amici Children's Camp Charity
Amici’s Gratitude Report 2021: Better Together

Amici sends children, ages 7 - 17, from low-income households to 48 OCA-accredited overnight summer camps across Ontario.