Family Spotlight: Fola and Juwon

Juwon at the Kilcoo Olympics

Thanks to Amici’s generous community of supporters, brothers Fola and Juwon were able to attend Kilcoo Camp together for the first time in summer 2021.

When asked about his camp experience, Fola said, “I learned how to swim and canoe ride. My cabin mates were wonderful. When I returned home, I felt different and changed my favourite cereal. Thank you for sponsoring me and my brother to go to camp. It was the best experience that I had the whole year.”

Both Fola and Juwon agreed the Kilcoo Olympics were their favourite part of camp. “What I love most about camp was the Olympics. They were extraordinary, tiring and the competition was hard. I did very good in the races. I won every race I was in and I got a medal for getting the most points in the trailblazer section,” said Juwon. “My brother and I raced together in the Olympics. It was fun!”

A letter written to Amici donors from Juwon, Age 12.

Fola and Juwon’s incredible summer spent together at camp was made possible by you, the Amici donors, supporters and partners who believe so deeply in the power of camp.



Amici Children's Camp Charity
Amici’s Gratitude Report 2021: Better Together

Amici sends children, ages 7 - 17, from low-income households to 48 OCA-accredited overnight summer camps across Ontario.