A Message from Judy

Judy (right) and the “Raised on GV Sunshine” Canoe Heads 2018 team!

What an incredible year! In my first full year as Amici Camping Charity’s Executive Director, I have witnessed time and time again the remarkable community that surrounds this charity. Amici would not be the organization it is today without the continued support of our valued donors, partner camps and volunteers…you!

Amici is a community like none other. You give your time, you give your dollars and you give your hearts to support children from low-income families, and we are forever grateful. Your care, passion and thoughtfulness have and will continue to transform so many young lives with the life-changing magic of camp. Your support extends far beyond the summer months. The impact is for life.

Thanks to you, 293 children attended 42 OCA-accredited partner camps for a total of 630 weeks in 2018. A record-breaking summer on all fronts! And we have you to thank for this incredible milestone.

I invite you to read Amici’s 2018 Gratitude Report, and learn more about your fellow change makers and the children whose lives have been forever changed. Thank you for your belief in the power of camp and thank you for being an important and special part of Amici’s community. You are changing lives with your support.



Amici Children's Camp Charity
Amici’s Gratitude Report

Amici sends children, ages 7 - 17, from low-income households to 48 OCA-accredited overnight summer camps across Ontario.