Adventurers bike 1,000 km around Lake Ontario in support of Amici campers!

When Explore Your Outdoors’s Mark Hubner, Brent Hubner, Jan La Pierre and Chris Surette set out to make an impact with their winter bike around Lake Ontario in February 2018, they had no idea just how great an impact they would have on Amici campers.

Fourteen days, 1,000 km and countless gallons of snow, sleet and ice later, they raised an incredible $30,000 to help send kids in financial need to summer camp.

Along their journey, the team stopped by local schools to encourage kids to get outside, even in the middle of winter!

“We really believe at the end of the day, spending time outside creates more creativity,” says explorer Chris Surette. “When you spend time outside, you’re definitely creating a foundation for a healthier life.”

Mark even stopped by this year’s Breakfast of Champions to speak about their remarkable journey and premiere a short documentary they shot along the way. You can view the mini-doc trailer here!

Our toques are off to Mark, Brent, Jan and Chris for their outstanding support of Amici campers, tomorrow’s leaders! Thank you for your belief in the power of camp!



Amici Children's Camp Charity
Amici’s Gratitude Report

Amici sends children, ages 7 - 17, from low-income households to 48 OCA-accredited overnight summer camps across Ontario.