Did you know we have 2 new Advisors?

Published in
2 min readMar 16, 2018

Yesterday our team welcomes two new Advisor’s on Team AMICORUM.LIVE. We are delighted to have on board:


‘Amar is one of the leading advocates and contributing member of Global Blockchain community, Senior Advisor of Global Blockchain Foundation, ICOBench rated top ‘Expert’ and is Advisory Board Member of many Blockchain projects around the world.

A Technology/Digital enthusiast and a seasoned professional with years of experience in operations, consulting and innovation of the Tech industry, Amar’s background includes working with Tier 1 firms such as Microsoft (APOC Operation Manager), the World Bank (Senior Infrastructure Consultant and Economic Advisor), Airbus etc., and advising startups and speaking at various technology forums.

Amar has joined AMICORUM.LIVE as an Advisor to increase footprint in the SE Asia region and helping with investor relations.

LinkedIn Profile

Investor Relations Advisor — South Korea

As a former official of the United Nations, he has extensive experiences working in conflict and post-conflict settings, covering wide range of continents, such as Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Africa. Having been appointed to various leadership roles, most recently served as Tactical Commanding Officer, he has proven track record to strategises and lead various operations.

LinkedIn Profile

We are looking forward to the collaboration and extending our presence.




https://amicorum.live — Decentralizing the Ticket Re-Sale Industry with Blockchain and Secure Identity Platform